Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-06-21 09:48:48

Good morning Durban!

From adventures of MANY 5l water bottles on reserve (just in case) due to water supply being interrupted, to load shedding, to horrid reception...somehow yesterday panned out to be funny, sexy and as one of my delightful Gents said..."welcome to Africa"

There I was apologizing for everything that was out of my control but, assuring all who did come through, it would make no difference as contingency plans were put in place to ensure we would still have the best time possible.

After all, it was knowing to embrace that which we know looms over us all the time and make the best of it...Sadly.

But, among all of these challenges, the one thing that is a constant is the delight that the Durban Gents are.

This morning has already proven that some of those challenges from yesterday may not arise , that Durban Gents ARE mighty gorgeous and that today is another awesome day in Durban!

So. Smiling broadly. Loving Wednesday and looking fwd to more "loving" between YOU and I!

Today, Wednesday, earliest availability at present

2.30pm and onwards.

Hugging you dearly.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-06-22 16:08:31

Greetings dearest Durban.

Eventually my time!

How are YOU??


Loving my Durban!!!

Even though reception has been horrid and I KNOW I have missed out on quite a few calls, PLEASE PLEASE do not give up and drop a message or whatsapp with your query and request and I shall respond.

And thus if today was not meant to be for u and I...well, we still have quite a bit of time bfr I head back home.

The weekend ahead of us...and yes, I am available.

As to today, Thursday availability left is

6pm - 9pm.

Looking fwd to making this day most complete!

Yours I am in all things sexsensually passionate and erotic.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-06-23 23:26:20

Aaaah...the delights of Durban late at night.

A dinner where the dishes chosen and served were not the only thing that teased the palate and satiated the need to eat well but, company most kind and generous and to top it who wished to hand over the reins, be shown, led...selfishly wanton in his needs.

Quiet of temperament yet, burning with passion.

Tonight dear Durban you spoilt me once again most majestically.

Good night

Sleep sweet....sleep with me and..tomorrow?

I want more of whatever Durban knows to share.

Adoring you.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-06-25 20:50:58

Today there was time to do something a little different.

It was not only about feasting my eyes on cloth but, to feel the texture of fine embroidery , thread like silk and colors to paint ones imagination with desires romantically royal.

The richness of cloth from India and, while I lost myself among garments of indescribable opulent beauty, fit for royal court I inhaled the scents of tradition and customs that were centuries old .

My fascination with Bollywood romanticism, it's tales of unrequited love and social standing making me enjoy my visit to the little shop even more.

And when I walked out the brilliance of cloth and garments held me captive this whole afternoon and I lost myself in my gentle men in the most "loving" of erotic ways.

What a Sunday it has been. All thanks to the weave of the finest cloth from across the Indian Ocean.

And thus today Sunday comes to a most romantic end, my Durban.

Tomorrow I look fwd to continuing my royal love affair with my Durban.

Kiss u gently.

Looking fwd to YOU and I and all that shall be ours most intimate and sincere.



Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-06-27 14:30:10

Greetings delightful Durban.

Even though I have been scarce with my greetings of late, i do promise you, i am ever grateful for keeping me busy and sharing yourself with me in the most lover-like of ways!

And thus today Tuesday, just like yesterday, a day awesome and full.

Pls do not stop calling or requesting a time for you and I.

If it ain't today , it can be tomorrow or tomorrow or....

Ps. I love the interest and sexy erotic kinky attention you have been sharing with me.

Looking fwd to YOU.

Kiss u close.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-06-29 13:33:47

"My" Durban...

The more often I come to Durban, the more it feels like home.

There is a familiarity, a comfort i feel in Durban.
And thus that call to return over and over.
The mapping of all sorts of possibilities without cutting my ties with my hometown.

Not only am I enchanted with the sexiness of what Durban knows to be but, too, so much more that presents itself.

And thus a busy busy Thursday morning warranting the lunch I am treating myself to and the ice cold very dry beer I have been craving forever!

This afternoon is all about me ....I need it . I need some self pampering and relaxing considering my eve is fully booked.

Thank you Durban for EVERYTHING.

That does not mean that tomorrow or tomorrow or tomorrow cannot be ours.

I love being spoilt with company most lusty and sensual.

Kiss u deeply gorgeous Durban.

Keep sending your queries should I miss your calls...reception is proving to be quite a nightmare of late...!


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-07-01 11:09:56

A great good morning Durban!

It has been busy. It has been challenging but, rewarding.
It has been a week of many thoughts, acquaintanceship bordering on friendship.
Goodbyes to those who are moving to places far across the waters, leaving a heaviness in my heart but, ever grateful for sharing such progressive news with me.

It simply means I now have many more contacts across the waters that I can approach for news and possibilities elsewhere.

How family knows to keep us resilient, ever seeking for solutions BUT, careful and calculated in hopefully making the right decisions instead of a knee jerk reaction simply because it looks like the goose has layed the golden egg.

"My"Durban continues to be everything it has been since my first day of arrival in 2018 and ...even more!

Thank YOU for your kindness, your support in many many ways and, your trust in who I am.

I look fwd to so much more that shines bright on the horizon second home from home!!!

I adore you guys.

And now...

8 days before I head back to my hometown on Monday 10 July.

8 days for us to continue this magic between you and I.

8 days to surrender to each other and map those erotic adventures we both love to get lost in.

Today Saturday...a perfect day to make it completely about sexsensuality and nothing more!

Let the naughty kinkiness begin.

Earliest availability today Saturday at present.

2pm and owards.

Kiss you fondly.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-07-02 13:14:03

Greetings my gorgeous Durban

The morning done

Soul feeding done

Wellness done!

Now the rest of this fine Sunday shall be about you and I losing ourselves in all things unrushed and sensual.

The perfect full stop to the past week and an awesome start to the new week ahead.

Glorious abandonment to passion intimate between you and I...what a cheat it would be not to embrace the innermost sensual self.

Relaxed yet, passionate is this blessed Sunday.

Off to go and revel in the finest.

Today, Sunday, earliest availability at present 5pm and onwards .

Love my Durban.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-07-04 11:05:48

My dearest Durban.

Our time together is coming to an end...for now.

6 DAYS TO GO before I head back to my darling home.

It has been as per usual, home away from home.

The familiarity and comfort and trust, confidence and possibilities, built over many years of shares most generous, sexy and sensual and most sincere make me truly a fortunate woman!

I revel in all that Durban and its visitors know to be.
It just does it for me. No matter what many may think of Durban and it's unfortunate challenges, I know it to be ultra special and generous. I know it to be Uber sexy and passionate...and I always look fwd to returning.

It is a good day, it is a day once again filled with new meets and reacquaintances most welcome and missed.

I adore you my sexy all..your are my sort

Deliciously delightful and sexy


Passionate in all you share.

Let us continue!

Today Tuesday availability at present

12noon - 3pm

7pm - 9pm.

Kiss u close.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-07-07 19:56:04
Edited: 2023-07-07 19:59:05

T's crossed and i's dotted.

Pen to paper.

A work contract in one hand while the other hand continues to reach out and welcome the most sensual, most erotic and seductive of nature Gentlemen, as well as those that seek the health and wellness aspect of my offerings.

It is beautiful Durban becomes my second home! My home away from home.

Good evening Durban.

It has been a hard climb back but

I have eventually, once again, ARRIVED!


I can hardly wait to show off my little space.

I need to give it that RB touch!...allowing my imagination to weave its magic not only in the aesthetics but, in the offerings of what can play out in my new space.

My travels will be none the less BUT, now I have two homes!


Thus Durban.

THANK YOU for all u have been toward me.

THANK YOU for making me part of the Durban family!

I am Blessed!

Tonight I celebrate with an exotic drink and hearty dinner.

Tonight means this weekend will be further celebrations in anticipation of what the future shall hold.

My exotic Durban.

And thus August the beginning of adventures new!

Kiss you most closely!


Russian Bridgitte.


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