Posted: 2018-04-10 20:15:02
Edited: 2018-04-10 20:17:27
I had the opportunity to spend more time up Venus's very upmarket new private house that she is working from. There are some other ladies also working from this venue, which seems to have been purpose build for the spa-like ambience that Venus has created.
Complete with the white slippers and ample bathrobes, even fitting over my larger than life frame. Literally everything in the houses are brand spanking new. The place is immaculately kept with the highest standards in hygiene.
She also supply the little things that make such a difference, like a little foot chair where people like me that find that their arms are getting shorter by the year can place their feet to tie their laces. Brilliant idea !!!
The effort in maintaining a place like this is momentous and continuous, and Venus is personally ensuring that the super high standards are maintained.
This place has certainly set the bar for upmarket houses to visit, and I find myself slipping in that pampered state of mind when you put that bathrobe on.
Well done Miss Venus. Certainly gets my golden stamp of approval.