marcod - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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29 Aug 2010
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Posted: 2010-09-24 00:37:34

@Schlaap -


Looks like newbies, but with GG you know that wot u see is NOT wot u get nor wot was there in the first place
Schlaap - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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31 Aug 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 01:05:29

Don't think I know either of them. I only know Lila (ST), unless she's one of them.
dickct - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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2 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2010-09-24 09:14:13

NAyone been with eva - hot body??
aerobix - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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13 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 10:22:24
Edited: 2010-09-24 10:23:06


Hanna and Shamila are the same girl.

I was with her about three years ago, and at that time the pic (on GG) was a very good representation of the lady...she was HOT! Pretty face, firm breasts, nice tight body.

At the time she charged me R500 for the hour, which seemed very reasonable. Only problem was communication (isn't it always with the asians?), and I ended up getting a fairly decent 'thai' massage, with a happy ending.... I thought I was getting full house, and by the time I realised it wasnt happening, I had come, and my hour had gone...

Afterwards I explained to her what I had really wanted, and asked if that was within the ambit of her services, and included in the R500...she said it was, and said that next time I should tell her up front what I wanted, and it would happen.

Couldn't really take her to task...I was a bit naive and inexperienced back then, and I guess she was quite right, and I should have been clear and specific up-front about what I wanted.

She was very sweet, and very pretty, and I didn't have the heart to get angry with her, so I walked away, disappointed, and never went back.

I must say that I have always found the language barrier a problem with these girls, and I will now only consider booking one if (besides being VERY hot), she is working in an establishment where it goes without saying what she does and doesn't do....even then, the general standard of eastern girls in Cape Town is piss poor!

I would visit this girl again, if she could speak English, and if we were able to establish up front exactly what service was being offered, etc etc...

My only concern is that these look like the same photo's from three or four years ago, and we all know what can happen to a girl in 3 or 4 she may not look much like those pics any more......
aerobix - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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13 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 10:28:07


I have not booked Eva, but I have met her in person, and used to often see her in Gardens Centre. She does have a fine looking body, however the boobs scream FAKE (I mean one of those ugly looking over done fake jobs...not the more tasteful 21st century variety), and her face has 'throw a flag over it and do me for my country' written all over it!
(Sorry Eva, its a cruel world, and a meat-market to boot)

I was entirely put off, and really glad I had not booked her, as I had been tempted...she has been advertising on GG/ST for years, and I think she is probably in her 40's

Thats just me being as honest as possible!
Tamia - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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16 Oct 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 12:31:09

I have a 2mnth old son, and all of u r calling me a fucken drug addict cos of a comment i wrote a while ago, please dont go after hear say, and please write fact not fiction, just so by the way, stop talking kak because im not a fucken druggy, being a druggy means im an unfit mother, and these threads could cause me 2 lose my son, so please stop slandering me unless you've seen me taking drugs then u can talk other wise keep ur fucken mouth!
Bubu - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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30 Jan 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 13:04:29

Darling Tamia... I for 1 did not say you were doing drugs... YOU SAID IT YOURSELF.
I hoped you have change your ways for the better since then.
Once we get LOADS of confirmation from REAL PUNTERS that you are DRUG-FREE and service has improved MAGNIFICENTLY, then Only will I make WOOPY POOKY with you.
Tamia - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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16 Oct 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 13:22:12

I remember i writing i dnt mind doing a line or 2 of coke wit my clients if they do, i dont do it with them anymore but what i want to know is where the fuck does this tik issue come from, im doing the best i can for my son and reading fucked up kak is enough to make anyone pissed, but hey guess what say what you want to say you dont know me so you cant realy speak, and as for sky, she sleeps alot cos she clubs alot does that make her a tik kop?She is 1 of the most anti tik people i know!
Bubu - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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30 Jan 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 13:33:50
Edited: 2010-09-24 13:35:27

My secretary tiks... and she is good at it. She got a university degree to prove it
Bubu - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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30 Jan 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 13:48:59
Edited: 2010-09-24 13:50:04

Ok... Lets make a deal... Lets make a free booking, then i will report here if your service has improved...

But all on my terms


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