Posted: 2012-05-22 11:39:44
Just had a private message from someone, asking why some people get incontinence, and some - don't. As I said, any forced entry will cause a disruption of the sphincter. If the sphincter is well controlled and relaxed enough to take whatever is penetrating with minimal, or at leat controlled effort, then trauma is not likely. No trauma - no incontinence.
The best recognised authority on anal sex in the world is a sedx worker called Tristan Taormino. I refer all interested to read her work, and watch her video "Tristan Taormino's Ultimate Guide To Anal Sex". There she explains everything, guidance is step by step, and on top of it is one of the sexiest videos I have ever watched.
Just a couple of points to add:
1. buy yourself a douche, douche your rectum with water at body temperature or slightly warmer, multiple times until only clear water flows back out.
2. Glyceryl trinitrate cream on the anus helps relax it, highle recommended aid for beginners and experienced anal players alike.
The rest is as pointed out in my first post:
Douche, apply the cream, wait a few minutes, and then :
1. Lots of lube, water based (KY jelly or any purpose gel from the sex shop), never can be too much;
2. Master the art of anal masturbation, i.e you and your hand (fingers);
3. Always stop if there is pain;
4. Learn to keep the anus open after removal of the object/fingers/penis;
5. Be patient, and expect patience from your partner;
6. The more often you do it, the better it gets;
7. Will not cause incontinence, unless forced, as in rape;
8. The main culprit for anal and urinary incontinence is vaginal childbirth.
Take home message: No trauma - no incontinence!
Happy choc-dip games!