HotSexySally - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:34

me... exercise yeah that would be funny!
muffdiver - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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13 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

Dear Sally

I have taken every posting you have made on this site (not just the forum) and pasted into a Word document. What I then did was to feed the text into the PersonaAnalysys programme we have here at the institute. This pc based software has the remarkable ability to sift through the sentences, phrases and words used and diagnose the mental state of the patient. It performs a sophisticated word-relationship count in order to assess the subject. Whilst I do understand that all computer output is based on the algorythms it uses, this particular programme has been very successful. For example, it has tested thousands of inmates here at the institute and had the programmes diagnoses compared to that of the inmates psychiatrists diagnoses. The result was a 97.45 correlation

Your results were very interesting. I could e-mail them to you if you like.
[deleted] - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

Hah! Funny fucker! Nice little internet nerd!
No one loves you.
And u still suck dick!
HotSexySally - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

Sure Muffdiver email me the results.
muffdiver - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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13 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

I showed the results to a fellow shrink and he advised me not to let you have the results without giving accompanying counselling.

HotSexySally - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

muffdiver - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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13 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35



What an adoloscent response. You should have ads on these pages and then you would appreciate my livening things up a bit.

And BTW I think it was very unprofessional of you to post using my name.

Because either it was you or your system is not secure.
HotSexySally - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35


I did not post under your name and you will notice that I removed the thread. Anyone can post on the Forum you do not need to be a member of ESA in order to post.

I have had about as much as I am willing to take from you from insults to accusations. You turn my forum into your own personal circus. I am not interested in what you have to say you posts are pointless and insulting.

Please control yourself or I will start deleting.


Narcissus - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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8 Sep 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

Sally, I hold no brief for MuffDiver. But the man is one of the few visitors to this forum with a sense of humour and a spark of intelligence. You should be chasing away the idiots who think the way to debate is by insulting people in the foullest language possible.
muffdiver - Re: No to oral with out
Re: No to oral with out
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13 May 2002
Posts to Date: 65
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

Thanks Narcissus.

Note HSSs use of the term "my forum":)

This forum is usualy dead for months on end and it has come to life over the past few days.

I don't view any of the responses to my posts as being insulting. As I've said before, peoples postings tell you a lot about them. AND that goes for you HSS.


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