Name: Cassie
City: Johannesburg
Area: Randburg/North Riding
Last Visit: February 2015
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If there was a school to give classes on how to do this job cassie would be the headmaster! Everything about her and her service is amazing. Her rates from my point of view for what she offers are way to low.
Cassie might be hard to get hold of but trust me it's worth calling every second you can!
Not sure if I'm allowed to say this but 76 missed calls while I was there just shows you how great this girl is.
Thank you Cassie xxx Slavi
Face: 5/5
Body: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Telephone Manner: 5/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 5/5
Privacy: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Will you return? Yes
Advertiser looked like the Photos? Yes
Secure Parking? Yes
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