On 2015-12-03 21:43:19 Savanna said:
@deamonza nobody actually knows what happened that day but what I do know is that the facts I stated earlier are true. Anyone who is not able to handle a fire arm should not be carrying one. Oscar was trigger happy and shouldn't have been carrying one. A gun is not just shot for no reason. He was lucky previously that no one got hurt. Do we wish more people got justice? Yes we do but that is no reason for Oscar to get away with it. You sow what you reap.
You are talking yourself in circles...
If nobody knows what happened then how can you say you know the facts...
The problem with your firearms knowledge is that it is patently flawed... until this trial, even with all the public scrutiny on Pistorius there was not a single reported issue with him and his guns... now he is a gun nut all of a sudden.
If there was a single reported issue about him and his guns there would have been a section 102 ruling made by the CFR straight away.
Thats how the gun laws and particularly the CFR work.
If he had been reported for domestic violence or abuse he would have had his firearms seized, this is the law.
Yet here you sit claiming fact ? really now ? Because some of his so called friends decided to cash in on the media frenzy and now he is some raging loon running around shooting at everything but nobody else in the entire media industry noticed ???
You say you don't want Oscar to get away with it, and he didn't... not at all. He was sentenced rather more heavily then similar crimes committed in similar circumstances so he wasn't getting away with anything... What you do in fact want is your pound of flesh, you are in fact holding him up to a higher level then would be expected of anyone else. And that is not justice, that is vindictive and petty and makes a mockery of all the other victims who didn't die at the hands of someone famous...
By the way, it's "reap what you sow"... unless planting seeds is your actual goal.