On 2017-04-25 15:59:26 Chasidy said:
Meg my doll Ek wil graag he jy my inbox van Wat wie se want Ek gaan hulle report Ek werk flipped hard pla niemand almal pla my... Ek naai seeker lekker of gosh wie weet.
On 2017-04-25 23:27:36 Chasidy said:
lol aai meg how could u wanna work with me doll... our styles are diffrent our ckients are different thats what will make this unique as im there to di my thing lmao..
Sien more vroeg dit was great om jou te sien.. jy is 'n besonderse mens...
On 2017-04-25 19:43:01 AN-other said:
On 2017-04-25 15:59:26 Chasidy said: Meg my doll Ek wil graag he jy my inbox van Wat wie se want Ek gaan hulle report Ek werk flipped hard pla niemand almal pla my... Ek naai seeker lekker of gosh wie weet.
I have thought you had more business savvy than to work with Chassidy.
She maybe a great person, and based on her reviews great at what she does, but your styles are different, your clientele is different.
I wish you all of the best in your new venture and honestly hope I am wrong in my thoughts abd that this will eork out great for the 2 of you.
Another punter
You welcome to report me should you wish, as the above was my message I have send to Meg.