On 2019-07-21 00:09:05 Andy9669 said:
Gorgeous Mia
The best photo shoot will always involve you feeling comfortable in yourself.
Whether that is with a feather boa round your shoulders, a sexy two piece, completely naked or even fully clothed does not matter. What matters is your attitude and feeling in the shoot. And that also hinges on the wonderful ESA photographers.
I look forward to seeing the authentic you through the magnificent photo shoot the photographer will deliver.
Lots of love of love and respect.
On 2019-07-21 08:56:38 Licorice said:
Being Winter and by the way freeking cold this week I think a long fur coat cozy nex to a fire place
On 2019-07-22 09:33:52 Mia ( The Original ) said:
Photo shoot being done friday...so if you still have ideas please share.