On 2017-11-01 13:51:28 GreyKnight said:
On 2017-11-01 12:31:07 Melina said:
Sorry not if your waisting my time with endless enquiries and no bookings or if you trying to bring my rate down to 350 then go book someone elsewhere.
If you have a negative response from me in what's app ask yourself Especially since im rezponding to a whats app when my add suggets you call ;) Respect is given where deserved.
I am sure Mr Shy was not referring to time waisters and wankers. If I understand all your posts on this thread correctly,you are saying that because there is a guy that irritates you on WA it is ok to treat the next potential client the same way as you treated the previous one? The next guy does not even know that some other "idiot" just irritated you. As you rightfully say, your profile specifically states that guys should call not message. Why do you even respond to WA at all?
To the ladies that do use WA (whom I believe this thread was intended for) -- take it from me. I talk to a lot of punters. A first time visit can be very intimidating for us. If you are rude when we message you it already has a negative effect on our willingness to visit you.
Sure it is totally your right to respond anyway you like. If you don't need new clients then that is great! Punters will also move on and find someone they feel more comfortable with.
A lot of guys can't phone you anytime he wants or that suits you, for reasons I seriously don't want to get into right now. So WA is a powerful tool for them.
There might be a business opportunity here ladies! Trust me, as Zwan and SG says we punters value good manners a hell of a lot. Block the bastards that stalk and irritate you by all means. They are making it difficult for us other guys.
Use the advice, don't use it. Totally your choice ;-)
Now if you'll excuse me I have a booking now with a beauty that has GREAT WA manners! Jippeeee!
[QUOTE;900189;GreyKnight] On 2017-11-01 12:31:07 Melina said:
Sorry not if your waisting my time with endless enquiries and no bookings or if you trying to bring my rate down to 350 then go book someone elsewhere.
If you have a negative response from me in what's app ask yourself Especially since im rezponding to a whats app when my add suggets you call ;) Respect is given where deserved.
I am sure Mr Shy was not referring to time waisters and wankers. If I understand all your posts on this thread correctly,you are saying that because there is a guy that irritates you on WA it is ok to treat the next potential client the same way as you treated the previous one? The next guy does not even know that some other "idiot" just irritated you. As you rightfully say, your profile specifically states that guys should call not message. Why do you even respond to WA at all?
To the ladies that do use WA (whom I believe this thread was intended for) -- take it from me. I talk to a lot of punters. A first time visit can be very intimidating for us. If you are rude when we message you it already has a negative effect on our willingness to visit you.
Sure it is totally your right to respond anyway you like. If you don't need new clients then that is great! Punters will also move on and find someone they feel more comfortable with.
A lot of guys can't phone you anytime he wants or that suits you, for reasons I seriously don't want to get into right now. So WA is a powerful tool for them.
There might be a business opportunity here ladies! Trust me, as Zwan and SG says we punters value good manners a hell of a lot. Block the bastards that stalk and irritate you by all means. They are making it difficult for us other guys.
Use the advice, don't use it. Totally your choice ;-)
Now if you'll excuse me I have a booking now with a beauty that has GREAT WA manners! Jippeeee!
you sir are understanding wrong I am never rude to guy's unless I have reason to be read earlier post where I thank the gentleman that do conduct them in a gentlemanly manner ;)
Also the bit where I say if I was rude to you you must ask yourself why ;)
Read all previous posts and comprehend first.
I have made success bookings with guys via what's app and treat everyone with respect. However I do not delete my Chats so I know who is messaging me and how many times they have messaged and what the conversation was like.
Even when I do tell guys where to get of I make him feel small in a polite way so he can rethink his answer I get rude when he is Rude much like a post I made not too long ago where I did a copy and paste of what happens so you can draw whatever conclusion you like you don't know me so it really doesn't matter ;)
Anyway potential clients will be just that and treated that way ;)
Again if you find yourself on my abrupt side ask yourself when ;) I may be difficult bit I'm fair and I'm reasonable.