On 2017-03-07 00:20:23 Steve 0 said:
Thanks for the heads up Looney and for looking out for the rest of us punters out there. Now hopefully admin can find the time to clarify the situation.
Ive always tried to steer well clear of chem heads as the service is always so erratic. I had booking with a very popular girl on this site in Randburg last year with rave reviews and very well known on here only to arrive and shes drunk and high at the same time, then went over my intial time because all she did was talk up a storm in her drunken stupor and thought she would charge me for the extra time. I wasnt born yesterday....some gentlemen arent so easily fooled or delighted my dear.
Apologies for my own issues being raised here but this kind of thing really irritAtes me.
On 2017-03-06 18:41:33 Looney0316 said:
I have already emailed ESA admins regarding this with proof of the payment I made. I also tried calling but no one is there to talk to. I have to wait until tomorrow.
Further to that, I also called Lalaa as she was the only advertiser to post in this thread and I explained everything to her telephonically. She can vouch for me that I am legit.
On 2017-03-06 23:03:13 Looney0316 said:
Here you go, this is all the proof I have which has also been sent to the admins. Look at the reference and compare the number to her number on her profile. Decide for yourself.
On 2017-03-07 07:25:10 ESA SUPPORT said:
On 2017-03-06 23:03:13 Looney0316 said: Here you go, this is all the proof I have which has also been sent to the admins. Look at the reference and compare the number to her number on her profile. Decide for yourself.
Dear Sir
We have seen in the past and I'm not saying this is or is not the case in this instance that malicious parties will go to great lengths to discredit a wg they have it in for.
Your "Proof" could easily be manufactured in Photoshop, Sammy Lee will not be banned untill I have her version.
I have a further concern, why call Lalaa, why not call my office, if you want to convince anybody that Sammy Lee scammed you you might want to speak to me or one of my staff. Speaking to Lalaa does nothing for your credibility as she doesn't deal with malicious punters and would have no metric to judge if you we a decent harmed party or a bullshitter causing trouble.
We shall en devour to contact Sammy Lee during the course of the day.
Kind regards
On 2017-03-07 09:19:39 undercoverpta said:
This is a sign of tough times. More girls chasing a diminishing pool of punter bucks. Please keep in mind that we are only talking about the ones that are reported here. In addition punters are required to provide proof. Many just hand over cash and there is no way to prove it. They just could not be bothered to expose themselves to the ire of the shop stewards.