[deleted] - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-08-01 08:12:34

On 2017-07-31 21:42:20 Veronica Franco said:
....very few are even aware of their status. Ignorance and denial are the worst culprits when it comes to the spreading of it!

Spot on VF!
For those who take regular tests and come out clean taking a test is a no brainer! Walk in the park.

I think having to walk up into a test if one suspects they may have been exposed, now that is what keeps people away and is exactly what is making the fight harder.

Always remember the number of people your results (+/-) will affect!

Stay clean & keep safe!
Enhle - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
26 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-01 09:04:42

I personally know about 3 wgs that are HIV positive, only 1 was born with it, none are on meds, all are offering full house.
I stopped offering OWO a few months ago, lost tons of clients but the peace of mind that came with it is priceless. I do test regularly and practice safe sex, with proper condom usage.
Enhle - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
26 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-01 09:12:34

I go every 3 months for HIV and STD tests. And no...I do not have sexual encounters without as I prefer to be safe. But for my own knowledge and for my clients peace of mind, I do get tested regularly.

Do the same clients test for your peace of mind? Punters also carry HIV. One slip up with an HIV positive punter and that's it. They are the ones that are constantly calling us, asking for OWO and sometimes even bareback, not a care in the world about their health.
Enhle - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
26 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-01 09:18:23

On 2017-07-31 14:41:06 Boobs said:
@ Tanya, just wondering what you will do should (I and really hope that this will never be the case) you test positive. Will you, or then any other WG testing positive, continue to work as a WG or not? Also will you continue to offer FH service or scale down the risk to clients by offering say massage only?

The recent increase in owo offers just show that people increasingly are not taking the risk of STD or HIV serious anymore. Even a slow down in business should not encourage WG's to offer the 'extra' or then unprotected service. this industry is risky enough!!!

Wgs are offering these services because punters are asking for them. Try telling them about the risks. Why does it have to be one sided as if wgs are forcing punters to engage in such.
Enhle - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
26 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-01 09:26:38

I think it's funny how HIV positive wgs are encouraged to stop doing FH, and opt for massage while nothing is being said about HIV positive punters. Both parties are equally responsible for the spread of infections in this industry. Both parties should take responsibilities for their actions. If punters are not calling, inquiring about OWO and bareback, they try to take the condom off during coitus.

I always make it a point to educate any wg that I get close to or form a friendship with about things such as PEP and proper condom usage to protect themselves.
Tanya - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
11 Mar 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-01 11:48:08

@peboykie...They were both in the industry, one has passed away since and the other has immigrated to the USA to be with her family.
gary_g - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
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16 Mar 2007
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Posted: 2017-08-01 14:08:57

While you are right that both punters and SPs need to take responsibility for safe practices, it is also important to stay well-informed and accurate.

OWO for the punter is just about 100% safe if there are no skin abrasions/lesions on the penis and open mouth sores on the receptive partner. For the receptive partner in fellatio, without ejaculation there is extremely low risk of HIV transmission if the above applies. With ejaculation (CIM), the theoretical risk increases, but the incidence of confirmed transmission in this manner is almost nil. There is some argument as to why this is so.

The Center for Disease Control sums it up like this:

"There is little to no risk of getting or transmitting HIV from oral sex."

As to bareback, of course there are definite risks. But saying "One slip up with an HIV positive punter and that's it." promotes needless hysteria. It is not the case that one exposure, even with ejaculation, to an HIV+ partner (whether punter or partner) is going to result in transmission.

Here are two meta-studies:

A meta-analysis of 10 studies exploring the risk of transmission through vaginal sex was published in 2009.4 It estimated the risk of HIV transmission through receptive vaginal sex (receiving the penis in the vagina) to be 0.08% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 1,250 exposures).

A meta-analysis of three studies exploring the risk from insertive vaginal sex (inserting the penis into the vagina) was estimated to be 0.04% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 2,500 exposures).

Now this is not meant to say that one should engage in high-risk activity in this industry; but one should be accurate in assessing the risks, IMHO.

[deleted] - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-08-01 14:36:19

... then there is the CCR5 receptor breed, folks genetically immune to HIV transmission typically an isolated bunch of Northern Europe and Central Asia origin!
Always wonder why this group cannot be medically studied fully to unlock a cure to the inflicted!

So while the authorities decide - pls glove up, don't kid yourself you will crock!
Martini Henry
Martini Henry - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
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10 Apr 2015
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Posted: 2017-08-03 23:27:20
Edited: 2017-08-03 23:29:03

On 2017-07-31 17:20:04 Raksha said:
Martini Henry I'm speechless with all the awareness around him people shouldn't be living in the dark ages anymore yes its real it does exist do some research and find out what's the difference between cancer and hiv

I know exactly what I am talking about, so please keep your attitude to yourself. So it's okay to stuff your body with crap that leads to cancer, but it's a shameful thing to get HIV from fucking around?

Raksha - Re: HIV a rumour?
Re: HIV a rumour?
14 Sep 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-04 00:16:59
Edited: 2018-05-29 21:17:22

Martini Henry first of all you posted on the public forum asking a question I gave you my opinion and experience with what I have seen hiv is real it does exist and you know there is a cure for cancer unless its stage 4 or 5 anyway long story short you can't get cancer from sex but you can get aids from sex and its says on Google all people with him will die of aids so you the one with the I don't care attitude not me


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