On 2017-06-28 07:05:14 Se_kaas said:
On 2017-06-28 02:05:11 Minimee said: "Smell his socks"??... Why?
Boss, maybe a discussion item on the next SSS meeting agenda:
"Why a WG smells your socks.... and you thought they only smell your jockeys while you shower"
This is complicating matters immensely! I might take a extra pair of socks and a freshly washed (extra StaSoft) onderbroek to my next visit with a lady. I can then scatter these items around the room once I've blindfolded her. When I go for a shower afterwards she can pick up and smell the fresh ones. Not sure where to hide the stinky one's though. But Im sure the SSS members (not their members...the actual paople) will come to a unanimous plan af action on this dilemma.