@ Miss V.F. Well said girl,now the fuckers here will understand why I call the pigs public enemy NUMERO UNO!!
@minimeeeeeeeeeeeeee;My policy is do not get pissed off,get even!!
I have just laid corruption charges with IPID against a detective from my area with the help of the CPF.If it makes you feel better,my friends room mate got scammed by cops on Friday morning for R3000.00.I got bust on Friday as well,R500.00,not wearing a seatbelt.The mother fucker tried to get
R100.00 of me then came down to R50.00,but I told the fucker just write the ticket.(got a voice recording)so he wrote a ticket for
1.I just ordered a breathalyzer from Take-a-lot for
2.Next,I am off to find a Go-pro or Dash cam.