Posted: 2015-09-05 12:34:51
Edited: 2015-09-05 12:46:43
Fisting like anal sex is an acquired pleasure. If it is not for you good, move on. Focus on the sexual pleasures that you do enjoy. There are others who have unique desires and are not afraid to experience different sexual pleasures. They enjoy the pleasure/pain sensation.
As for the polony/vienna remark either he must be very under endowed or the female has very slack vaginal muscles.
If you fist a woman you will know that she becomes even tighter after her orgasms. There were times when it felt as if she was going to crush my hand when she climaxed. The most intense, vulnerable feeling for both of us. I could not share this with random strangers and therefore I have such admiration for these women who are so bold and give so much joy without fear.