Thelongmile - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
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28 Dec 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-28 01:55:25

Name: Lee

City: Johannesburg

Area: Sandton/Benmore

Last Visit: October 2016

Full Profile: [View Lee's Full Profile]


It was awkward. Security sign in with drivers licence yo be scanned. Then being asked reason for your from the guard. Awkard guys...put me off totally. Went to the room..i think i saw a gold tooth and it was game over...left in 5 min


Face: 3/5
Body: 2/5
Personality: 2/5
Telephone Manner: 2/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 4/5
Privacy: 1/5
Service: 2/5

Will you return? No
Advertiser looked like the Photos? No
Secure Parking? Yes

PS: To easily submit a review like this, go to the Advertiser's page and click "Rate this Advertiser" (if you are a Gold Member) or "Review this Advertiser" (if you are a Free Member)
Lee - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
9 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2016-12-29 15:05:36

Thank you for your feedback Thelongmile. How ever if security is very important to me with all the robberies that most girls are struggling with my safety comes first and im a proud coloured lady in and out which i did mention on the phone and if a gold slit turns u off its ok u a guy and all guys have different types. But u cant rate my service if u didn't experience it sir. Please refrain from that. But thank you for taking the time to give feedback. Best regards.
mojompower - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
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30 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2016-12-31 12:41:38

Amazing how she always tries to cover up for the poor service. A negative review is a negative review, accept it. The service has gone south and alot of punters are being honest about it.
Lee - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
9 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2016-12-31 15:20:45

I don't mean to be rude but u can't review a service that was not renderd.
Lee - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
9 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2016-12-31 15:37:55

Mojopower, punters are human..basic knowledge im human too regardless of what you might think. Moods change and desires as well. I TRY to accommodate the client as best i can but not to an extend to where im uncomfortable.I stray from drama and except the good comments and bad ones can't always please everyone and i can safely say neither can U... but best regards Lee...Xoxo
Veronica Franco
Veronica Franco - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
9 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2016-12-31 20:23:04

On 2016-12-31 12:41:38 mojompower said:
Amazing how she always tries to cover up for the poor service. A negative review is a negative review, accept it. The service has gone south and alot of punters are being honest about it.

I work with this girl and personal comments like the one involving the little gold slit in her tooth is uncalled for. She is busy Mojompower, most of her clients being regulars who come back for an awesome service time and again, so I doubt your attacks or any other negative comments have any validation. Shes sober, clean, sexy, sweet and I'm sure by all the smiles Iv'e seen walking out here, she plays her part in the bedroom to much satisfaction.

As for comments on the security, many girls are being robbed over the festive season and even other girls working in our building as security has warned us and there are stories everyday from other ladies in our area. Our safety comes first, so if it's to much for anyone to handle, by all means don't come, but do at least consider that we trust strangers like you everyday to not hurt us etc and that's exactly what does happen. But if you're not up to anything dodgy with us, then why should security bug you? Are we not to be offered any recourse when it comes to our safety over clients feeling 'comfortable'?

Lee is a lovely girl with a heart of gold and I think your hurtful dehumanizing of her is disgusting. She does this work for the most purest and beautiful reasons and does not deserve your bashing over a few petty mistakes. Her reasoning for being in this industry drives her to work wholeheartedly with pride and elegance, even in the face of nastiness. We have bad days and bad feelings about clients too and some girls are not equipped to handle confrontation or can reject someone without feeling bad so sometimes they just leave it be. I always say she must listen to her gut instinct. Sometimes something just doesn't feel right but we make the bookings anyway and change our minds at the last minute. Some of the reviewers actually aren't even accurate as to what really transpired but she chose to not defend herself and let them have their little dig at her.

It happens more often then not, but we live and learn from our faults. Your nasty comment because she dared to defend herself, rightfully so, is uncalled for.

Regards, V.
mojompower - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
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30 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2016-12-31 21:17:07

Hi Vee, I apologise, never intended for my comments to be taken that way. Lee and I go back a long time, Randburg days so I have had real experiences with her. You welcome to check my reviews, never nasty but a poor encounter cant be candy coated.
Ive got no issue with security and understand the importance of it.
Its good to know who work with Lee, im sure with your guidance her service could be improving which would be great.

we.ll discuss more offline rather...

Have a lovely 2017. Apologies again for any ill feelings caused
KDaemon - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
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3 Apr 2008
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Posted: 2017-01-01 10:25:54

@thelongmile, she obviously just wasnt your type. I've seen her before and enjoyed my time with her. Easy to chat to, I thought she was pretty and she is very sexy.
Veronica Franco
Veronica Franco - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
9 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2017-01-02 01:32:05

If you read the bad reviews Mojo, You will notice that none were even close to a rating on her actual service. It didn't even get that far as one guy ran out supposedly because of her tooth and the terrible sign in trauma he experienced. How is that her fault?

The other guy complained about her not pitching for an outcall that she repeatedly told him she wasn't comfortable with (I was there during the phone calls pestering her to travel to him) She obliged him against her gut feeling and changed her mind in more then enough time and not at the last minute as he suggested. That review was based on sour grapes. Her safety is more important to her then a booking or bruised ego. She does travel to her regulars or guys she's met before, but not to total strangers which in my honest opinion, is very responsible of her as a care giver to loved ones.

Your review according to how she felt about the kind of service you prefer, is not something she offers, therefore you cannot rate her service poor if she is admittedly unable to offer the service you want.

If you have met her, you should know what a soft soul she is. I feel it necessary to set shit straight as she was upset by all these comments. Of all the girls Iv'e met in this industry, I think her attitude and service delivery are all spot on. She's doing what she feels is right for her too in this industry. If that excludes a hardcore fuck session, then my hat goes off to her because shes not forcing herself to do ANYTHING for money. That is the kind of bullshit that fucks girls up in this industry. You might call it a great all round service delivery, I call it selling your soul for money....This girl has taught me a thing or two about compassion and kindness in an industry that just about sucks your heart out of your body, chews it up and spits it out like yesterdays garbage.

Regards, V.
Keepitreal - Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
Re: Review - Lee - Sandton/Benmore Johannesburg
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1 Jan 2017
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Posted: 2017-01-02 07:55:27

Short girls..tall girls..fattys or stick girls...different strokes for different folks..some like gold teeth and some enjoy different types of ladies thats merely a punters choice.

We all understand security concern living in south africa. But we use nickname on the forum. Use fake names when visiting a working girl. I dont expect a wg to tell her real name.


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