ziggyjoon - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
Gold Member
9 Sep 2002
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Posted: 2022-01-22 13:58:09

It's only polite to say Thank You! Very rude not to reply! I notice in this day and age people just don't think it's necessary! A rude society indeed!!
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-01-22 14:18:16

On 2022-01-22 13:58:09 ziggyjoon said:
It's only polite to say Thank You! Very rude not to reply! I notice in this day and age people just don't think it's necessary! A rude society indeed!!

You are so right. It's not just in the purple world.This purple realm is a reflection of society at large.
DevenM - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
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15 Apr 2019
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Posted: 2022-01-22 14:22:24

I always send a "thank you" or "I will confirm at another time"

Often I get, you are a time waster don't bother me again.
Once I even got a screen shot of an older conversion with a FU after it
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-22 14:34:54

Bit off the original topic of this thread..but have to share this;)

A very loved and respected purple community member actually had a meme up on their status,with the words below...


You - Hi
Me - We not doing this


Seems some ladies are as bad at communicating as some of the punters.

From that I have learned that it is definitely not just a punters issue, the "hi" without context. It is actually a society issue. Basic manners and commutation skills seem not to exist in general.

Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-01-22 15:00:57
Edited: 2022-01-22 15:01:22

On 2022-01-22 14:22:24 DevenM said:
I always send a "thank you" or "I will confirm at another time"

Often I get, you are a time waster don't bother me again.
Once I even got a screen shot of an older conversion with a FU after it

Well she did you a favour and saved you money. She is simply just a rude person. She showed her true colours. And when people show their true colours, believe them
you53 - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
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5 Jan 2017
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Posted: 2022-01-22 19:56:07

@Louise Thanks for the tread. We all benefit from it
Mistress Kattza
Mistress Kattza - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
13 Jan 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-22 20:28:41

Manners maketh man, woman and child.
It costs nothing to be polite, a simple thank you, makes a huge difference.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-22 20:33:53

Had a very nice pm from a punter that I send a pm to after his post on forum, that back then never acknowledged my pm(I honestly forgot about him already that's how long ago it was).

He apologised for never replying and said my post made him think a bit and he will hence forth do better with his communications.

And to top it off he was nice enough to say why he did not acknowledge my pm back then;)

So I would say this thread did exactly what I wanted it to do to make people think about their own communication skills;)

Allora - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
27 Sep 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-22 21:09:13

On 2022-01-21 12:15:25 Miss Red (aka Louise) said:
Topics have been raised a million times before about phone etiquette.

SPs compaining about punters , punters complaining about SPs.

Today I want to ask can you please reply after we sent you the details you asked for via text, pm, whatsup or email.

7 out of 10 times we never get a reply back.

How are we suppose to learn anything, to know to adjust or improve anything if we dont get feedback.

A simple thank you would be great start, but accompanied by ..

*you a bit out of my budget
*your service offered don't match my expectations
*you a bit out of my area
*your work hours won't make it possible for me to visit
*Your venue ain't the kind I like to frequent
*Your venue ain't discreet enough
*Your venue is in a area I don't feel comfortable with
*will contact you when I am in your area
*will make an appointment soon

...any of the above replies will go a long way towards helping all SPs improve and grow, and would be a great improvement on the "radio silence" after we have sent you all the info you asked.

I buy many things online especially of f...b.. market and other places. And I never to fail to send a simple "thanks for the info" text after I got sent the info I asked for. I believe that to be simply good manners.

Another lady ones said she never responds to requests on forum anymore, because she never gets a reply back.

Is it so hard to just say, thanks for showing interest but you not quiet what I was looking for or thanks but you to far away or your fee a bit out my budget.?

Am I expecting too much?

No Miss Red you are not too much at all

Friday I saw a new client, he was happy when he left and promised to do a review in my profile which I didn't even asked ,but he never did, just few minutes ago as we speak , I have received his text he sent this afternoon , saying that he was looking forward to a second visit, and he would really like to see my natural hair...

And I thought to my self oh wow, don't I appreciate his honesty. Even I , I began feeling comfortable with this gentleman. It help it really does help for the gentleman to speak up
Allora - Re: Am I expecting too much...
Re: Am I expecting too much...
27 Sep 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-22 21:20:21

And to those Gentleman who will call back and cancel the booking in advance, when they realise they can't make it in time to the appointment made by them. I appreciate them a lot...


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