Porcupine - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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19 Mar 2013
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Posted: 2013-04-20 21:59:41

@ goodtimes, that's hitting the nail smack damn in the middle of the head....and hard. Well said sir
Arizona69 - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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5 May 2010
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Posted: 2013-04-20 23:43:36
Edited: 2013-04-20 23:48:27

This has to be one of the most enlightening threads in a long time. Its made me look far deeper at my life as I reflect on my life and time in this industry.

I am aware of clients feeling, disappointed, guilty, disgusted, cheated, hurt, shameful, dissatisfied. And then there are some who feel empowered, satisfied, loved, admired, ego's are boosted etc....

But life in general, business in general suffers the same consequences.

Punter's live out their fantasies and still return, even through all their emotional fears and desires.

Some how in all that self indulgence, the ladies that cater to these needs are often forgotten. Do you ever stop to wonder what the ladies go through???

They often lead double lives. Self sacrificing themselves out of need not desire!

A lot of these intelligent, beautiful women are here because life didn't deal them the opportunities it did for some. A lot of them are intelligent but just weren't recognised. They do what they do because life sometime's gives you no other choice.

Constantly criticised daily, for the slightest reason, you have to have a thick skin to still hold your head high. Hiding our professions from loved ones to protect them from being humiliated or embarrassed. But we still do carry on, and with dedication and passion.

It a tough world out there! And I often look at how easy we criticise. Perhaps we should spend that time being humble, grateful and complementing the people that add benefit in our lives instead of being so judge mental.

Focus and inspire others on the positive, instead of being a feeder of negativity!



MicroWilly - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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28 Oct 2012
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Posted: 2013-04-20 23:54:23

Great post Arz and that is one of my big problems, always wondering about the girl and what she goes through while have to please me. She would probably not even glance my way on the street but here I force myself on her ... eish
Arizona69 - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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Posted: 2013-04-21 00:13:18
Edited: 2013-04-21 00:18:12

I can't speak for other ladies but I made a conscious choice to follow this as a living. Its never easy. But I actually love what I do. The problem is expecting the rest of society and my family to understand that! They would be disgusted in me, horrified, disappointed. So its a constant battle of what I deem fit as to what's acceptable? I never want to hurt or embarrass my family? So I also have to hide my honest feelings that this is an acceptable profession, because its not acceptable amongst society.

As wg's we are frowned upon, un accepted, and have to constantly defend ourselves and justify our choices and actions.

passenger57 - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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22 Apr 2011
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Posted: 2013-04-21 00:23:31

Posted: 2011-12-04 23:22:16
Edited: 2011-12-05 07:12:23
I dont know guys,can sum1 explain why I feel so crap after a punt.the build up is exciting and sometimes u have great sex but always that crap feeling afterwards.Happens mostly with ladies who dont seem to be into it.Have on several occassions just ended up spending an hour just talking or just paying and leaving.
passenger57 - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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22 Apr 2011
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Posted: 2013-04-21 00:26:53

i refer my previous post which is a copy and paste of an earlier post i made in 2011-unfortunately still here,maybe am doomed to live this lifestyle forever.funny thing i have a beautiful wife and we have great sex but still.....
BaieNice - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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13 Jan 2013
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Posted: 2013-04-21 01:09:18

Pomp 10 ugly gals a day, and see if you still feel 'into' sex after that. No way Jose... But, you would be happy about the money.

Only dom koppe fall's for "She had an orgasm" and "She really enjoy what she does"...

Doesnt happen guys. They hate having sex with you, just the best acting gals makes dommies believe they actually are having a good time.

This is about beating sexual tension, nothing more. Those who needs love making came to the wrong site.
Cassandra - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
19 Feb 2013
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Posted: 2013-04-21 04:04:08

Hi babe... I am reading your post and chills run down my spine... This is the flipside to the coin.

I drove Justine to her all night she looked beautiful as always... I wasn't booked for a all night so I dressed casually not wanting to draw any un nessasary attention to myself. I'm a gloryfied cabby tonight and I litterally was just dropping j and waiting for her big smile when she is done... I got a call from her saying he extended his booking for the entire night. I'm suppose to be happy for her but for some reason the low hanging mist covering jozi streets is cradeling my thoughts... I have to drive back to centurion and go to sleep alone. Gotten so use to my cuz in the bed next to me tht the pure thouhgt of being alone made my emotions sank to the floor... So as I walked into the ladies I switched my phone on... The first call came thru almost immediately. He saw my add said his name is (mr X) and he was asking my fee... In a excited voice (at least I don't have to go home alone) I told him R650 for an hour and 500 half the hour all night becauase its late already 3k... Mr x very friendly told me he will pay me more than my hourly fee and invited me to his home about 17mins drive from the casino.

I dropped the call... Looked myself in the mirror and wondered what this friendly punter is going to want and strangely for a while wondered if I am going to get to have a orgasm as well...

I have a real working girl car. Its bags with stilettos toys condoms and make up scattered. Somewhere between the make up brushes and mac donalds cartons I found my bag with the farm girl dress. I got dressed in the carpark and drove off. Half way I smsed him: please draw us a hot bubble bath my eta 8mins, he phoned me back instantly said yes its fine and can't wait to see me. We conected immediately over the phone and I got strangely turned on by the fact that the voice captured my erotic little mind.

Got there and he had his hand down the front of his jeans. I have never saw a guy so excited to just "be with" me... I slowly took my time got out of the car teasingly heels first... What to follow was amazing.

We actually talked. Not just babble but we spoke openly discussed our fantacies... And I learned a lot.

When he came before I could I had enough of me that had to finish in the shower sometimes still horny as hell... This time I thought fuck that. I looked him dead in the eyes and said: "honey hope u don't mind but I need you to finish me". He smiled... And when I left I got not only a huge tip but I know I found a client for life... I like to ask you something. Does we as working girls have the right to get sexually close to our clients...? I mean what if I get so turned on and like getting laid by you so much that when u go throuhg my mind two weeks after our booking... What happens if I sent u a txt and say: I am masturbating and thinking of your sexy cock right now... That little dimple in your cheek and the feeling of your tongue sliding over my bare skin...

See I often wonder if I am out of line by giving each and every client undivided attention... I become more of a mistress than just another working girl. I like to be the mistress the guilty pleasure... And the fee... Well I see it as pocket money from you. I guess this is why so many of my clients return. I dono. Now question is. Why be ashamed? This is sexy this is seductive and omg! This from both sides this industry job or visit punt call it what you want but I think we all can have so much fun just being honest and indulging in our desires mmmmm how can this be shameful?

By the way honey, Justine ask a premium fee and she sticks to it. I know it sucks but both me and her is paying our tuition for our courses right now. I am sorry you got turned down. I'm sure she would love to meet you though. She is a great girl and really do care about her clientelle.

How can I seduce you?
Cassandra - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
19 Feb 2013
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Posted: 2013-04-21 07:39:56

What if you can't find compassion hope and kindness from the people around you... Where do you go to? I have a live podcast called cassandras whoring pod. And it covers the phsyci of punters whores and my view point. If you would like to listen to it please go to the following link:

Enjoy the podcast
unluckyluke - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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2 Mar 2009
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Posted: 2013-04-21 14:26:31

wow nice forum........
i been retrenched a year ago and sometimes wish I had a pussy. anything from R550-R800 an hour for massage and tug/oral/quick sex.. the actual money is humungoues and cash non tracable...

If its true that life has dished a bad hand then save up and get out, but one gets used to the high life and cash so savings is a no no...and who can you get close to, emotionally empty and yet connected to everyone thats been thru u...
Look at Jody the student popular extra-ordinary now a high class cortesan at R1200/hr ..
Ariz you made this your life to support your kids its a choice that only you can think-on far better the the drug kids who support a habit and a maybe its safe venues like HOE..

Cassandra I would suggest learning to love yourself and conquer the alone in bed feeling..compassion comes from within...
old saying "looking for love in all the wrong places"

For me tired of bad relationship dating etc, so may allow its my once yr bday present mainly in the massage and sensual line.

all my rates are R300/hr and make a diff..but the sex has its up and down..he he...


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