On 2019-09-07 18:52:08 Kimmylee said:
[QUOTE;1995416;CharlieMasheen] On 2019-09-07 15:14:21
Hi Kimmylee. Nice to meet you :)
* The feeling is mutual, though you would like to meet Floa Fairy as she's a newbie and is "Unknown"....;)
I don't take anything online as serious ;)
* Well words have a way of penetrating into the minds of infants...;)
Punters should use their adult discretion when divulging personal info. Regulars will gleam certain private details during regular conversations.
* Once you get naked with a WG, you are bare and nothing is hidden in sight...;)))
Are 1 of my cars a BMW?
*You hinted in a weather report thread and so I will alter that and ride my pink Caddy....:)))
Is BMW a reference to something else?
* Be My WiFi and connect your fibre...lmao
Am I married, divorced, widowed, etc?
* Masheens (chuckles...refer to machines) operate on an off and on button, so speak to the emoji hand and I will press those buttons.....;)
I'd say you should have a serious laugh ;)
*It's been fun floating on cloud 000... don't forget to touch that dial. "You know where I stay"
Surely there are better ways of getting to know someone ;)
*And this is just the beginning...;)...;)...;)
Your photos are outstanding!!
*How marvelous it is in your eyes. Thank you Charlie...;)
Should I drop the mic now or wait till later..... LMFCBO
Translation: Laughing my floating cloudy butt off.
On 2019-09-07 19:24:13 CharlieMasheen said:
On 2019-09-07 18:52:08 Kimmylee said: [QUOTE;1995416;CharlieMasheen] On 2019-09-07 15:14:21
Loving it :D
BMW = Baby Making Weather
On 2019-09-07 19:56:12 Thor the Viking said:
BMW = Big mad wanker
On 2019-09-08 22:18:00 Inquisitive1 said:
R100 says the Wg doesn't exist and nothing ever happened.
I won't phone an attorney until I REALLY have to, a pm from ESA is no reason to "crack" and make the call. Unless you've been naughty on the forums and Antoinette wants to m0@r you with the banning stick.
On 2019-09-08 22:18:00 Inquisitive1 said:
R100 says the Wg doesn't exist and nothing ever happened.
I won't phone an attorney until I REALLY have to, a pm from ESA is no reason to "crack" and make the call. Unless you've been naughty on the forums and Antoinette wants to m0@r you with the banning stick.