[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:38:09

On 2021-11-30 22:33:23 SuperFuck said:

_- ***** SuperFuck ***** -_

On 2021-11-30 22:20:21 NoddyFS said: On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.

Yo NoddyFS...Hahaha.

Calm down

You sound so angry, aggressive, frustrated, enraged, sad and pathetic therefore I achieved my goal.


Lmao. Ok boss.


#### ###

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:39:50

On 2021-11-30 23:30:35 SuperFuck said:
That's because I took my shit and posted all over your face so it must be the

I do it and I do the same quite often.


Funny guy. Great name boss. Suites.
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:45:07
Edited: 2021-11-30 23:46:08

On 2021-11-30 22:34:54 Indian Chanel said:
Sadly yes there are some ladies that do offer bareback and its actually really scary because you dont know what people have been exposed to theres also a drug called prep where if you have unprotected sex it prevents you from contracting hiv.Dont know how effective it is.
Not saying im on it lol but the sad part is also clients also request this from working girls also,like where is ghe logic in all of this and married men at that.

Anal lovers prep yourselves and dont forget to thank Indian Chanel.

AnthonyEdwards - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Gold Member
16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-01 05:23:08

On 2021-11-30 22:34:54 Indian Chanel said:
Sadly yes there are some ladies that do offer bareback and its actually really scary because you dont know what people have been exposed to theres also a drug called prep where if you have unprotected sex it prevents you from contracting hiv.Dont know how effective it is.
Not saying im on it lol but the sad part is also clients also request this from working girls also,like where is ghe logic in all of this and married men at that.

Prep is a shaving cream unless it has multiple uses.

The next thing we will hear is that showers cure all diseases.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-01 07:32:53
Edited: 2021-12-01 07:34:07

Maybe those that indulge in this lifestyle should educate themselves a bit.

Many, many working ladies are using this. And not because they partake in risky practices like bareback.

But to protect themselves in the event of condom breaks, that happens more often than people are willing to admit in this industry.

For years I never knew about PrEp. One day a few years ago I was doing my normal 3 month checkup and testing.

The doctor on duty that day gave my file one look and point blank asked me if I am a escort.;)

I guess it ain't that hard to figure out if you look at a file and someone comes to test regularly.

He sat me down and explained the benefits of using PrEp.

This does not protect you from other STDs so you should still practise safe sex,but it will definitely protects you against HIV, should a condom break or should unconsented penetration without a condom happen.

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-12-01 08:51:18

On 2021-11-30 23:36:44 SuperFuck said:
SuperFuck does it again.

Continue to highlight/discuss/comment on me on every thread I comment on, I like it...Hahaha.

This is toooooooo much attention.

I like your attitude SF dude ...take no prisoners

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-12-01 08:55:41

People must just accept that it's happening more often than not, it's really happening. Many many WG and punters are doing it bareback everyday. Even some of the so called popular WGs, without mentioning names and the most vocal about it on the forum do it also(experience is the best teacher).
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-12-01 09:00:39

On 2021-12-01 08:55:41 shyshy said:
People must just accept that it's happening more often than not, it's really happening. Many many WG and punters are doing it bareback everyday. Even some of the so called popular WGs, without mentioning names and the most vocal about it on the forum do it also(experience is the best teacher).

Bareback is quite prevalent in the industry in my long punting "career" I have been offered bareback more than I can remember. I have turned it down always. It is about one's appetite for risk I suppose.
longstaff - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Gold Member
4 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-01 09:13:42

Like Miss Red said, condom breaks happen sometimes. I was once in a session with an escort and the condom broke and we carried on for some time until I noticed. We just put the condom back on and continued. It stressed me out for a while but I got tested after 3 months and I was negative.
Kommerq - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Basic Member
27 May 2021
Posts to Date: 261
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Posted: 2021-12-01 12:37:47

There was once a very popular lady, she was always busy and it was always such a mission to get a booking with her but when you did omg it was so worth it. She had a particular problem being timekeeping. If your app was for 18:00 you would sit in your car for anything between 30-50 mins waiting to get the go ahead to go inside. After many bookings as per usual she was 40 or so minutes late again. When finally I went into the apartment she had prepped a blindfold and ribbons to tie me to a chair. All I know is there was lots of baby oil and knibbles, licks and bites as she teased me for a good hour. Next she was on my lap legs astride and rubbing her everything up against my everything.
And with one flick of the waist she had me bareback inside. By this time I was totally powerless and submitted to the passion of the moment.

I was worried sick for the next 3 weeks but all worked out ok thankfully.. Certainly one will never forget


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