Sylvia - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
26 Sep 2010
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Posted: 2021-12-02 09:38:05

red its just gonna be post after post and no name is gonna come up. this oke is wasting all our time. we want to know the girl posting man??? and be 100% sure it is her. Dont come on here saying its a girl in top ten then just leave it like that. Do the manly thing and report and name her.s
Victoria - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
3 Aug 2017
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Posted: 2021-12-02 09:41:24

Exactly. It's about time that the ladies who are actually involved in this can finally be exposed and the rest of us can carry on with actual business.
AnthonyEdwards - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-02 10:58:55

On 2021-12-02 06:53:21 Airjon69 said:
And just for the record - only 2 PTA ladies and 1 Centurion.

I am keeping away from the PTA ladies that I don't have on my WA from now on till this is resolved.

I don't think it might help as some of the ladies move around too.

Does anyone have a list of safe/unsafe that they can pm me?
Kooni - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:09:26

It would be unfair to mention any names, except if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Naming an innocent party could potentially ruine there business.

Best to report to ESA, and let them investigate.
Sage - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
13 Aug 2015
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:14:50

On 2021-12-02 10:58:55 AnthonyEdwards said:
On 2021-12-02 06:53:21 Airjon69 said: And just for the record - only 2 PTA ladies and 1 Centurion.

I am keeping away from the PTA ladies that I don't have on my WA from now on till this is resolved.

I don't think it might help as some of the ladies move around too.

Does anyone have a list of safe/unsafe that they can pm me?

That directly threatens Ms Le Roux and my sterling reputations as we were both in the Top10.

I don't know who the third lady is.

I can assure you that neither myself or Ms Le Roux have need to sell phone numbers nor is this something we would ever consider doing.

I am absolutely tired of feeling like I have to defend myself all the time.

If it's not stay away from druggie scamsters in Centurion, it's sp's spreading disease etc.
These posts are always generalized and never points out the offender by name, leaving the rest of us to deal with the fall-out despite consistent good service and conduct over many years.

ESA please do something

Baiden jr
Baiden jr - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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22 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:22:51

Am so glad that I was warned about this on the forum. When I was called it was about fake money. But I was prepared and told them I always pay by EFT. And got proof. That startled them.
Kooni - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:34:16

On 2021-12-02 09:38:05 Sylvia said:
red its just gonna be post after post and no name is gonna come up. this oke is wasting all our time. we want to know the girl posting man??? and be 100% sure it is her. Dont come on here saying its a girl in top ten then just leave it like that. Do the manly thing and report and name her.s


Would you like someone to blame you, and ruine your business if he can't proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have done something wrong, I don't think so, so best to report our suspicisions to ESA for further investigation.

I am sure if a lady gets reported by multiple punters, ESA would act upon it to get behind the truth and do what is required.
Jakeburns78 - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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7 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:39:40

On 2021-12-02 11:14:50 Sage said:
On 2021-12-02 10:58:55 AnthonyEdwards said: On 2021-12-02 06:53:21 Airjon69 said: And just for the record - only 2 PTA ladies and 1 Centurion.

I am keeping away from the PTA ladies that I don't have on my WA from now on till this is resolved.

I don't think it might help as some of the ladies move around too.

Does anyone have a list of safe/unsafe that they can pm me?

That directly threatens Ms Le Roux and my sterling reputations as we were both in the Top10.

I don't know who the third lady is.

I can assure you that neither myself or Ms Le Roux have need to sell phone numbers nor is this something we would ever consider doing.

I am absolutely tired of feeling like I have to defend myself all the time.

If it's not stay away from druggie scamsters in Centurion, it's sp's spreading disease etc.
These posts are always generalized and never points out the offender by name, leaving the rest of us to deal with the fall-out despite consistent good service and conduct over many years.

ESA please do something

Well said @Sage, and for somebody to assume a lady is dishonest, particularly a lady like you or @Ms Le Roux without any shred of evidence or proof is beyond idiotic

This person should report it to ESA not on the forum and potentially throw the reputation of 10 ladies to the wolves on a suspicion,

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:53:03
Edited: 2021-12-02 12:00:58

@ Kooni..

I absolutely agree that no lady should be named and shamed publicly , ruining her business,without absolute proof of her wrong doing. Evidence should be given to ESA to decide if that making and naming is valid.

But making general statements like the OP did, is ruining the business other ladies that are innocent and not just the business of one potentially guilty party.

So in a sense the masses now are punished for the sins of one.

It absolutely sucks and is not fair at all.

@ Sage... I absolutely agree with you.. this "general" referral to areas or like the OP did " the top 10" is absolutely bulshit.

There are many many ladies that provide great service but will be judge for just being an an area where another lady made [email protected] because some guy choose to say stay away from
x area but did not pinpoint an exact place or lady..... How is that being fair.. guys should stop doing that.
AnthonyEdwards - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
Gold Member
16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-02 11:53:34

On 2021-12-02 11:14:50 Sage said:
On 2021-12-02 10:58:55 AnthonyEdwards said: On 2021-12-02 06:53:21 Airjon69 said: And just for the record - only 2 PTA ladies and 1 Centurion.

I am keeping away from the PTA ladies that I don't have on my WA from now on till this is resolved.

I don't think it might help as some of the ladies move around too.

Does anyone have a list of safe/unsafe that they can pm me?

That directly threatens Ms Le Roux and my sterling reputations as we were both in the Top10.

I don't know who the third lady is.

I can assure you that neither myself or Ms Le Roux have need to sell phone numbers nor is this something we would ever consider doing.

I am absolutely tired of feeling like I have to defend myself all the time.

If it's not stay away from druggie scamsters in Centurion, it's sp's spreading disease etc.
These posts are always generalized and never points out the offender by name, leaving the rest of us to deal with the fall-out despite consistent good service and conduct over many years.

ESA please do something

Don't worry, you both are on my safe list.


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