On 2024-05-10 06:07:21 Pluglife420 said:
Also a white WG stock goes down ( according to white men) if she fucks blacks especially if she admits it publicly, fucking blacks is bad for business. Been on this site for over a decade with multiple profiles I'm speaking from experience.
On 2024-05-09 15:27:12 styffrichard said:
I believe its that "for every moronic comment there is a moronic response"
On 2024-05-10 05:39:56 Pluglife420 said:
I LITERALLY just said they old on their 50s and you telling me bout the " MILF House" Do you have trouble comprehending?
On 2024-05-09 07:22:30 Pluglife420 said:
Speaking from experience " White ladies" don't cater to black men in general and if you do find one that does she is probably a meth addict and that drug will humble you, I've seen people doing the most desperate shit to get their hands on meth. Or she is super old in her 50s or some shit. White and Indian ladies are not worth the trouble as a black man, you might as well flush that money down the toilet.
On 2024-05-10 09:44:43 Hazel Arabia said:
I'm sure I have more brain between my ears than you have dick between your legs, so relax.