Tegwane - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Gold Member
28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2018-03-18 10:24:18

Good morning, as a 'foreigner' I read these posts with interest and trepidation. My concern is R is the president for the next five/ten years, who comes after him? I have been home six times in the last six years, two years ago was scary. The hatred was palpable, the country, in my opinion was on a knife edge. This year people are a more chilled. The concern for me was watching a husband and wife argue over R1.50 about a sauce bottle. People appear to be less cash positive than in recent visits which include family and friends? South Africa will always be home, and will continue to visit as long as I can, cheers
Goolab - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Basic Member
24 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2018-03-20 10:18:35
Edited: 2018-03-20 10:21:21

On 2018-03-17 15:48:01 INL said:

Let us put this into perspective :

The Europeans who came with Van Riebeeck had NO intention to stay at the Cape (probably thought it was a shithole). We can clearly determine this from the repeated applications for transfers to Batavia or Amsterdam made by almost every Company servant.

The few men who decided to make this their homeland, did so because they came to love the land. They wanted to grow and develop here. And in the written evidence, left us by the men who did not intend to stay and therefore had no reason to lie, it is written down over and over again that the Europeans settled on uninhabited land. They exchanged land for cattle and money and traded with the nomadic indigenous people.

The Company decided to import slaves. I emphasize IMPORT, because no indigenous person in this country was ever put in slavery. In actual fact, the slaves who were brought in from Madagascar and Batavia and Ceylon and East Africa were the ancestors of an entirely new group of people : The Coloured nation of South Africa, who adopted the customs and culture of the European.

Ever wondered why they did not adopt the custom of Africa ? Because they were not exposed to it, that is why. NOBODY at the Cape ever set eyes on a black person for 130 years before the first Trekboere (with their ossewaens) met the Xhosa in the Valleys of the Amatola around 1770.

(There you are fucked julius, your plans of grabbing a lekka winefarm for you just went out the window. Youse ouks were never in the Western Cape !!!)

These slaves also added to the bloodline of the European settlers, as did the French Hugenots of 1688 and the British Settlers of 1820. The White South African was a new nation, born in Africa. This nation called its language Afrikaans, after Africa. This nation called itself after Africa-Afrikaners.

On the first of December 1834 slavery was abolished in the Cape Colony. This is two years before the start of the Great Trek. The white man in South Africa knew nothing of the existence of the Zulu, The Tswana, the Sothgo, the Venda .... and he was at war with the Xhosa. It is chronologically impossible that indigenous people could be held in slavery, if the so-called slave master did not even know of their existence before the abolition of slavery.

So when did the black man establish himself in South Africa and how ? The answer lies in Mfecane (Zulu word meaning "crushing", also known by the Sesotho name : Difaqane (meaning scattering, forced dispersal or forced migration). This was a period of widespread chaos and warfare among indigenous communities in southern Africa between 1815 and 1840.

The black man established himself in this barren land now known as South Africa a full 174 years AFTER the white man.

How DARE you then call me a settler when you are nothing more ?

If I don't belong here, certainly neither do you.

Land stolen from the black man ?


The land occupied by the Boer people was land that nobody lived on, for the pure and simple reason that the original people of South Africa were massacred and wiped out in a racist genocide by the ancestors of the current black polulation of South Africa.

The very same thing that is now repeated with the white man. The white man has a full and legal and historical claim to his part of this country, including land. And the black man who disputes that is welcome to bring evidence to the contrary. Remember, popular liberal myth, propagandistic expressions and loud shouting and burning and looting to hide your own incapability is not evidence. It is BARBARISM.

The popular myth of "the end of colonialism" is a lie also. Colonialism in South Africa ended on 31 May 1961 when the country became a Republic. White minority rule was not colonialism, because the white South African belongs here- you cannot colonise your own country.

The entire uproar about white oppression and white guilts and white debt is based, exactly like the concept of the rainbow nation and it's Africa - democracy, is one big lie.

Black South Africa might as well realise that the time of the lie is running out. Your stereotyping of the white man and apartheid as the cause of.....


Boss, I agree that South Africa actually belong to the KhoiSan Griekwa. I remember how Naledi got pissed off with me when I said that black people migrated from the north into SA. So if Julius Malema is serious about land restitution, then he'd say the land must go back to the colored people, Lol!

I disagree with your mate on downplaying the role of Apartheid tho. It's one thing to hate another race or ethnic group but it was pretty fucked up to bring in laws that effectively dehumanized and oppressed other groups (by law) as what Verwoerd and his merry men did. Apartheid was a fucked up, horrible system. Let's not try and glorify that motherfucker.

The sad part is that under Zumpoes the ANC is emulating that very same Apartheid ideals in reverse. The ANC will sadly continue to fuck up this country.

Us Charou okes will always be caught up in the middle. But either way, we always make a plan.

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2018-03-21 15:32:24
Edited: 2018-03-21 15:33:59


I happen to agree with you as well. Apartheid in it's purest form was wrong. Oppression can never be condoned.

It will always be wrong and the world punished us for that. With us, I mean us whities. We were left strangled, the last drops sqeezed out of us. We had to change.

Thank God we had Nelson. Without him, this could have degenerated into chaos. We paid our dues. A once of tax levy was raised, and paid. Without much ado.

This whole conversation is about the ANC losing power. As they are doing now. And the ONLY thing that they have is to stoke the racist fires. They are busy playing the Gupta hand. White monopoly capital. White land ownership.

Driving through the countryside not long ago. I was struck by the vast expanses lying dormand and empty. If you want land, thake that.


That is not what this is about. This fuckers only want the best, the wine farms, the cattle farms, the established and money making farms. Why ? Because it is not about the land. That is just a slogan to get the masses to listen to you.

You want to take and scourge and scorch.

Fot that is your nature.

You children will look like the Ethiopians in a generations time, starving while you had this moment in time to change the world. History will say that the black man fucked this country up, turning it into a shithole.

Yes, cry my beloved country.

I pray that I will not have to endure this monumental fuck up. Spiriting my kids away from here poste haste.

Unless we reign in julie boy with his penchant for white ladies at the Grand, and the corrupt fuckers in Government that are stoking the fires, the sun will not shine upon us.

Hopefully now that tommie boy has left the Sars building, they can go back and find out how the fuck can julie boy live so well on his income ?


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