Tamia - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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16 Oct 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 13:50:51

No thank you dont need anyones approval,
Bubu - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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30 Jan 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 13:54:33

Ok... Your call
aerobix - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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13 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2010-09-24 14:34:37


I don't know whether you tik or tock.... I really would like to believe that you and Sky are both drug free, but coming on the forum and screaming swear-words at everyone is not the way to defend yourself!

The punters who contribute on this forum are all after the same thing, that is good service at a fair price...I cannot see that they would make up malicious gossip for no reason whatsoever...they simply have nothing to gain by so-doing.

The fact is that a number of different punters have reported that Sky tiks...not only Sky, but the other ladies which work from the same venue. Furthermore, you have both worked at Blouberg Babes, and word is that that is a place for serous drug abusers...I have not only read that here, but have been told by completely independent sources who do not know you or Sky.

I have another question for have just recently had a baby...where is the father? Is he aware of what you are doing? To the best of my knowledge he is employed, and is a decent guy, so why is he not supporting you? Is it because he found out about the escorting? Or maybe its the drugging?

I have also seen the comments the punters have written to you on E Fire, and they are just backing up what has been written here! Normally there is no smoke without I guess there must be some truth in all that is written....

If you really feel hard done by, or perhaps you really do regret some of the things you have said and or done, then why don't you try leaving the f-words, and the 'I don't have to justify myself to you or anyone at home'? People will be much more understanding if you are truthful, and ask for help.....

If there is a lesson to be learnt from all this, it is for other WGs to realise that now, like never before, their actions will come back to haunt them! Run an honest business, stay away from drugs (which is also a big reason the vice squad is now so interested in the business), and you will prosper...give crap service, do drugs, and your business will suffer.

Tamia, I would value your constructive response...and if you and sky are not doing drugs, you need to somehow prove it, coz u r losing a lot of business!

PS: I have no personal experience of either you or sky doing drugs, and I also know sky likes to club....but I read what I read.....
Schlaap - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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31 Aug 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 15:37:35

I could not have said things better. This is a case where actions do speak louder than words.

I have been punting for a long time, and have seen the business in Cape Town slip because of the abuse of tik and other drugs. It is quite sad. Us punters can move on to other ladies, but the ladies who abuse drugs have their future lying in tatters. The rantings by Tamia confirm that they need to realise their lives are fucked up before they can climb their way out of it. But based on how she conducted herself it is glaringly obvious that she's far from that. But enough about this. The thread is about what's available in Cape Town, rather than one messed up girl.
not4sale2 - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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4 Aug 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 16:09:26

two of the ladies whom I know most about were discussed in this post, so I can contribute the following:

@aerobix, Hanna and Shamila are indeed one and the same, but she goes by Hanna more commonly. She operates out of her own venue in Sea Point, where she also resides. It is a reasonably upmarket place (unlike some of the other dingy places advertised as 'upmarket') and you have to get past the block's security staff at reception before you can go upstairs. She offers one of the best massages I've had anywhere and has a tight and perky body that belies her age (I'd say she's mid-30's but with the body of an 18 year old).. as for the face she is not as pretty as you made her out to be. I've seen her regularly over a period of 6 months and know she is quite selective about the service she offers to different clients, not everyone gets the FH treatment and she prefers to finish with a handjob. However, if you can charm your way into her heard, she'll open up to you.. towards the end I was receiving OWO and she even swallowed, which I haven't had with any other WG's. English is poor, but hey, that's not what we're there for. She is, of course, acquainted with Lila but they don't work together. Has a penchant for gambling, if you offer to take her to Grandwest my guess is she'll happily join you.

@everyone, Sky.. what can I say about the girl.. she is actually one of the most intelligent WG's I've met, is witty and drop-dead gorgeous (just like her tag line says) and has a bit of an attitude problem but, knowing her background, it's to be expected given the hard-knock life she's had. I've been with Sky many times both on and off the clock and not once have I ever seen her do drugs (she smokes but that's about it, and I mean cigarettes, not zol). She once joked about tik around me and I got quite upset with her and that's the last time I heard her mention it. Once her good friend (and Tamia's sister), 'Storm', cleaned up and left the business last year, Sky followed suit (Blouberg Babes serially exploited all their girls), and tried desperately to stay away (I began seeing her privately at the time). She considered taking up her studies again but did not have the funds, nor could I help her out, and of late it appears that she has fallen back to her old ways.. very sad but I wish this girl all the best, she has a good heart and is still young enough to turn her life around.

@Tamia, I wish you the best of luck with your two boys and hope you stop receiving all this flak from punters out to give you a bad name.
Tamia - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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16 Oct 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 16:12:19

Mayb i did over react a bit, but try and put urself im my shoes, i work on my own now, i got my own venue, im trying but everytime someone slanders me, alot of W.G also post things and make as if they are clients, so sorry for blowing my fuse, all i can say is watch this space cos im going to change all these negative responds about me
Schlaap - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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31 Aug 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-24 17:40:15

Singastudios (10/10) - So, not quite an escort agency, but I'll give feedback here nonetheless. I've resisted going to this place, as I thought the prices were a bit steep for their massages. But after my experience in Fish Hoek I was in need of something decent. Called this morning and popped in at lunchtime. The venue is on Loop Street and parking was easy, since its a public holiday. The venue looks very very classy, I must say. Clean, well-decorated, etc. There were 5 ladies that I saw, although two had appointments. They were all quite attractive and I had a hard time - excuse the pun - deciding who to go with. Anyway, after the choice was made I enjoyed an hour of absolute bliss. Do I think it is expensive? Yes. Will I be bacj? Definately. I'm sitting here haunted by that cute ass, damn. All-in-all a damn fine experience on par with some of the better establishments in Jozie.
jacknbox - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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21 Mar 2010
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Posted: 2010-09-25 21:56:21

Is it only a pelvic or can I ger a bit more?
I have been but was scared to ask!
Schlaap - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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31 Aug 2009
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Posted: 2010-09-25 23:52:20

Only pelvic as far as I know. but then again, I was only there once. I still think that if you want more, then you're porbably better off going to someone that offers the full service. In my experience you end up paying way too much if you try to get more at the point of getting a pelvic. and you know how it is, at that point the little head thinks for you.
fairdinkum - Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
Re: Quick review of current GG Cape Town stock
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17 Mar 2008
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Posted: 2010-09-26 16:01:06

@schaap and Jacknbox. Yes you are right. Singa is a great clean upmarket service. There is another massage place with almost as good an ambiance in the CBD and that is Bodyline. Call 021 4193518. There too the emphasis is massage/pelvic but you can get an OWO with the pretty little K (just ask whose name begins with K!) Costs rather less than Singa.


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