neo007 - Re: room service
Re: room service
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4 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2019-08-04 15:49:17

On 2019-08-04 09:49:32 Graham12342014 said:
I have been on this forum from 2009. Over the years i have seen this forum deteriorate from the fun that it was to now a classroom with a disciplinarian at the helm calling out every wrong move a forum member makes.

I remember the day a punter started a thread about his office romance (think it was Ricky)... for two months straight he posted almost everyday.... i think it was the longest thread in the history of ESA. It seems like we will never ever have that type of fun or threads ever again thanks to this grey area "Free loading Policy".

Word of advice to ESA, listen to your members otherwise this will turn into another forum language protest which will result in ESA reversing ita policies implemented.

Kind regards,

Fuck! Those were the good days!!! I still think about that thread! The forum is dead now! No fun!
[deleted] - Re: room service
Re: room service
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-04 22:27:55

On 2019-08-04 14:52:52 Master Bruce Wayne said:
On 2019-08-04 13:16:28 semensquirter said: On 2019-08-03 21:48:27 Meatseaker said: I think only SS don't like you cos you stealing the limelight, lolz. brother ...Preach-on!!!!!

No Meatseaker, SS is just upset with me and a few others are upset with me too because I couldn't fulfill this thread:

At least we created enough awareness of what the consequences are for having bed reviews.

I tell stories and SS tells jokes, we have two different functions.

SS is actually one of my biggest heroes and the limelight is for the ladies.

I know I fall under the "others" you speak of because of the peace offering that you posted on another thread. We're not upset. We just know not to take anything you say seriously.
[deleted] - Re: room service
Re: room service
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-05 01:46:58
Edited: 2019-08-05 01:52:17

Hahaha...I've given you guys a tough time but hey I am trying to refrain from using the forum it is still a bit difficult since I still find myself logging in to see what you guys are discussing even when I'm physically amongst a crowd of people or extremely busy at work apart from browsing to see which SP is available.

Just so passionate about confectionery...cake is so addictive and the smell of a fresh cookie as you baking it is just mouth watering.

I need to seriously cut down.

Signing out.
ESA Forum Admin
ESA Forum Admin - Re: room service
Re: room service
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27 May 2011
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Posted: 2019-08-05 17:13:23

On 2019-08-04 09:49:32 Graham12342014 said:
I have been on this forum from 2009. Over the years i have seen this forum deteriorate from the fun that it was to now a classroom with a disciplinarian at the helm calling out every wrong move a forum member makes.

I remember the day a punter started a thread about his office romance (think it was Ricky)... for two months straight he posted almost everyday.... i think it was the longest thread in the history of ESA. It seems like we will never ever have that type of fun or threads ever again thanks to this grey area "Free loading Policy".

Word of advice to ESA, listen to your members otherwise this will turn into another forum language protest which will result in ESA reversing ita policies implemented.

Kind regards,


Dear Graham12342014

Escort South Africa will stand by the freeloading policy.

We have explained countless times why this policy exists.

Due to you not being directly influenced you could not understand the significance of our policy.

I understand that you want to do what you want to do but like any other business, we have rules and regulations.

Maybe try this as a matter of interest, go set up shop in Sandton city without paying rent or having an agreement with them and let's see how that goes for you.

I cannot think of one business that will allow you to do whatever you want to do on their dime, why do expect that of us?

Not only does the advertisers lose money due to freeloading but keep in mind that this platform is not sustained by love and water.

The policy is simple and if for nothing else then just obey by the policy out of respect for the paying advertisers on our platform.

If you feel that you do not understand the policy or you don't wish to comply with this policy and you are adamant that you will violate this policy then kindly go elsewhere.

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Kooni - Re: room service
Re: room service
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2019-08-05 18:55:15
Edited: 2019-08-05 18:58:34

Personally I have no problem with the policy itself, but do question the implementation thereoff.

Why only parts of the policy and not the full policy. It does lead to confusion among the forum users.

ESA Forum Admin
ESA Forum Admin - Re: room service
Re: room service
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27 May 2011
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Posted: 2019-08-05 19:53:56
Edited: 2019-08-05 20:11:10

Dear Kooni

What are you confused about exactly?

What issues do you have with the way the freeloading policy has been implemented?
What do you mean by "only parts of the policy and not the full policy"

You are a previously banned person.

Banning is counter productive and we get no joy from banning anyone.

Simply stick to the policy and enjoy your time here without getting banned.

Escort South Africa
Kooni - Re: room service
Re: room service
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2019-08-05 20:11:18


Don't want to be the reason why people are banned, so lets forget my previous comment.

I will stick to the rules, and enjoy the priveledge to be using the forum
Need4Passion - Re: room service
Re: room service
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2019-08-05 23:12:12

Damn, I used to enjoyed reading stories like these in this forum. Imagine that RickyLick and the hot blonde story stopping after his first post because she didn't advertise here. Can we get back to that fun place of escapism to be where we could talk about anything we couldn't in the real world?

And in all honesty, the entertainment of continuously checking the forum for these juicy stories naturally led to browsing and booking paying advertiser's while waiting for the bs but entertaining stories than now only coming online when you need a punt which is far less frequent. Not to mention the fear of being kicked if you do much as try to ask about your favourite girls that you can't find or speak of some legendary wg who probably isn't even working anymore but she doesn't advertise here anymore so it's a no go. Now all you really see is ads and so much of flippen political nonsense that makes the dick soft instead of hard but I guess it's not against policy so people have to talk about what they can right.

Personally if it were my website, I'd encourage stories that drive interaction and traffic and then use that exposure. *Note I don't sell or do anything with websites, nor can I or know off anyone that does so I'm not freeloading this service by this comment. Just my opinion
[deleted] - Re: room service
Re: room service
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-06 05:08:22
Edited: 2019-08-06 05:11:14

At some point we may have to consider lawyers to verify our comments before posting them.

No disrespect to ESA and its business but there must be another way. Yes you can't just set up shop at Sandton City but you also don't get kicked out for mentioning Hyde Park.

Yes it's also different as there is no physical location that we visit to use ESAs services but outside of blatant attempts to promote non-advertisers, where does one draw the line?

We punters will never understand the extent of the problem you're dealing with and that's understood but are you also not possibly working against this platform's USP?

It's an open, but respectful, platform to not only get honest reviews about the ladies that advertise here but to also banter about things related and unrelated to punting generally.

Ask most ESA punters and they don't bother visiting WGs who don't advertise here because the review system is a key component in deciding who to invest hard-earned money in.

We often laugh at posters who come here to complain about non-advertisers because we tend to solely use this platform to make our own informed decisions and we trust it, and the reviews on advertisers here specifically, for this reason.

Those who try WGs on another platform do so at their own peril because there is no accountability baked into them.
ESA Forum Admin
ESA Forum Admin - Re: room service
Re: room service
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27 May 2011
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Posted: 2019-08-06 18:19:17

Dear RShaft

Thank you for your post but I do not think you can speak for the other punters and what they do or do not do.

We can not bet on whether or not you book the non-advertisers that gets mentioned on this platform, and if you think that what you are saying is correct then why do the punters ask for more details after the post is made? I highly doubt they are asking for their health.

We are very pleased that the review system is serving its purpose in assisting the punters to make an informed decision before making a booking.

By your own admission, you said that "We punters will never understand the extent of the problem you're dealing with" that being said do you not think it would then be wiser to adhere the policy?

The penalty for violating the policy is hardly a knife to your arm, a bullet in the leg off with your head, its a month or two ban from posting on the forum a platform which not you or anyone one else here pays to use.

Kindly adhere to the policy, if you want to know where someone is or if she is still advertising ask the ESA office if we can assist we will.

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