Name: Charlotte
City: Johannesburg
Area: Randburg
Last Visit: December 2013
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It's such a pity because this girl used to be good. But I think she has become a casualty of the industry. I booked her for night a few nights ago. Didn't pitch up. Waisted my whole night phoning. Then phones me the next day still high and drunk claiming she will make it up to me that night. Well guess what happened that night. Same thing. I also noticed she doesn't allow you too see her private parts anymore. I have a sneaky suspicion she is hiding a bit of the old HPV. As I say it's a pity because she was great. But I've given up on this one. See her at your own peril.
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Personality: 2/5
Telephone Manner: 2/5
Venue Cleanliness: 2/5
Personal Cleanliness: 2/5
Privacy: 2/5
Service: 1/5
Will you return? No
Advertiser looked like the Photos? No
Secure Parking? Yes
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