[deleted] - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-06-02 20:34:21

On 2021-06-02 09:34:37 Graham12342014 said:

Based on my discussions with a few punters, Sometimes they really enjoy your company and dont want to share you with the rest of ESA just as yet, therefore they dont leave reviews.

Some punters arent gold members and unfortunatly cant leave reviews on the girls.

I for one try my best to leave a reveiw after visiting a lady but sometimes i get caught up with work and life and by them my golf memebership has expired etc...

Kind regards,

you dont need a gold membership to review anyone can review, you need GM to rate though
JP82 - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
Gold Member
24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-06-02 21:59:41

On 2021-06-02 12:55:03 NoWhiteKnight said:
Stop worrying about reviews and worry about service. If the service is great, you can bet they'll be back and you don't need to worry about new people reading reviews.

It's a small minority of punters that are signed up here that relay solely on reviews to book or not book.


It is the height of hubris to come on here and mansplain to the ladies what is and isn't important for their businesses. I guarantee you that they know better than you ever could what the impact of reviews on their business is.

What? You know your own behaviour, and maybe that of a handful of others (bearing in mind that active forum members are only a tiny percentage of even esa members, nevermind the entire punter universe) and now you presume to extrapolate from that to tell the ladies what they should and shouldn't worry about? Even if they haven't sat down and done explicit sums I promise you that the ladies have a far better sense of the relative importance of return vs new customers etc. for their individual business than you ever could. Jesus, have some goddamn humility and trust that the ladies know better than you do when it comes to their livelihoods.

Personally, I put a fair amount of thought and effort into most of my reviews because I've explicitly asked several ladies if a review actually makes any sort of difference, I don't want to waste my time and energy if not. Without fail, all of them have said a good review can make a significant difference. But wait... NWK says they don't? Who should I believe?
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-06-02 22:17:07

On 2021-06-02 21:59:41 JP82 said:
On 2021-06-02 12:55:03 NoWhiteKnight said: Stop worrying about reviews and worry about service. If the service is great, you can bet they'll be back and you don't need to worry about new people reading reviews.

It's a small minority of punters that are signed up here that relay solely on reviews to book or not book.


It is the height of hubris to come on here and mansplain to the ladies what is and isn't important for their businesses. I guarantee you that they know better than you ever could what the impact of reviews on their business is.

What? You know your own behaviour, and maybe that of a handful of others (bearing in mind that active forum members are only a tiny percentage of even esa members, nevermind the entire punter universe) and now you presume to extrapolate from that to tell the ladies what they should and shouldn't worry about? Even if they haven't sat down and done explicit sums I promise you that the ladies have a far better sense of the relative importance of return vs new customers etc. for their individual business than you ever could. Jesus, have some goddamn humility and trust that the ladies know better than you do when it comes to their livelihoods.

Personally, I put a fair amount of thought and effort into most of my reviews because I've explicitly asked several ladies if a review actually makes any sort of difference, I don't want to waste my time and energy if not. Without fail, all of them have said a good review can make a significant difference. But wait... NWK says they don't? Who should I believe?

What are a hubris? Who was he? Was he a punter on ESA?

Ps. I been telling him about signing his name at the end of every post too, maybe NWK might be easier for him to type
[deleted] - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-06-02 22:58:00

There is this myth that most punters don't read reviews, don't read the forum, etc. It's all bullshit. If your profile was found on ESA there is a big chance the punter is a member, even if just a basic member on this site. What fucken man can resist seeing what the feedback is on a lady before he picks up the phone and makes a booking. Registering costs nothing. Here is the truth, the reason a lot of punters play dumb about reading reviews, the forum or being registered on ESA is because we want to speak our minds on here, make comments on other ladies, ask for recommendations etc, without having our each and every word is being scrutinized. And there are the jealousy too. Some girls feel better thinking this guy only sees them. The moment girls find out who a guy is a lot of guys feel, and this coukd just be their incorrect perception, but it is a perception nome the less, that they can't give 100% honest reviews anymore in fear if hurting the girl's feelings or give glowing reviews to other girls. That's precisely part of the reason why you see 5/5 perfect scores for sooo many girls. If that was true they should rename this site Victoria Secrets. If you go see a girl and you tell her you read the purple pages or post and what your user name is and she was friendly and went out of her way but you didn't find her in the least attractive, there are very few men brave enough to give a 2 or 3 out of 5 for looks. So you have two choices 1) be open about your identity on the forum and score consistently high scores unless the girl treated you like shit or 2) deny your existence on the purple pages and at least have anonymity to move around here freely and review without feelings of guilt or fear of retribution.

So there you have it ladies. A lot of punters lie and a lot of don't want you to know they are members here for various reasons.
[deleted] - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-06-02 23:07:39
Edited: 2021-06-02 23:09:52

The reasons why girls don't get reviewed can also vary.

1) Yes it may be that guys are trying to keep girls to themselves so to speak. But that doesn't explain the full picture because if that was 100% true why would some of the most gorgeous and best service providers ever to grace these pages have consistently good reviews and high scores. Why are some "hidden" and others not? It doesn't explain the full picture.

2) The reason offered that girls would get too busy if you give them reviews also isn't that convincing anymore. Which girls in the times we are in at the moment are so busy that they aren't available? This only applies to a small handful of girls that work very limited hours.

3) The hard truth is also that sometimes guys don't want to post that glowing review that you think you deserve because you and/or your services was actually quite mediocre but you are super nice, tried your best, but the guy is not going to post a false glowing review or a negative review that will so damage to your business. We have hearts to.

So there can be a myriad of reasons why guys don't review.
[deleted] - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-06-03 07:32:08
Edited: 2021-06-03 08:24:45

On 2021-06-02 21:59:41 JP82 said:
On 2021-06-02 12:55:03 NoWhiteKnight said...

It is the height of hubris to...

I guarantee you that they know better than you ever could what the impact of reviews on their business is.

What? You know your own behaviour, and maybe that of a handful of others (bearing in mind that active forum members are only a tiny percentage of even esa members, nevermind the entire punter universe) and now you presume to extrapolate from that to tell the ladies what they should and shouldn't worry about? Even if they haven't sat down and done explicit sums I promise you that the ladies have a far better sense of the relative importance of return vs new customers etc. for their individual business than you ever could. Jesus, have some goddamn humility and trust that the ladies know better than you do when it comes to their livelihoods.

Personally, I put a fair amount of thought and effort into most of my reviews because I've explicitly asked several ladies if a review actually makes any sort of difference, I don't want to waste my time and energy if not. Without fail, all of them have said a good review can make a significant difference. But wait... NWK says they don't? Who should I believe?

Ah, brave white knight walks into it.

You see, 47% in the adult male population punt. That's 15 million in SA that book, not call, not read forums, not usernames, but BOOK. You're telling me close to 15 million guys are booking through ESA after reading reviews?

And I'm the one with a sample size of one... Hahaha

You're right about the girls knowing better too, hence none have tried to dispute the above stats because well, that is the reality but you want to jump in with your own BS thinking you know better. What are you compensating for?

If reviews are as big as you think in the grand scheme, red and blue sites would be dead but they're bigger than ESA and wgs from here won't advertise there since they don't review. This review base is a small niche market and you're an even smaller segment in that base, near insignificant in statistical terms actually.

How do you think the girls advertising on the other sites are doing well without reviews? How do you think the girls that hardly participate in on the forums here and have minimal reviews still have ads running mknth after month?

Oh, you didn't think about them actually. Only what you know is correct, fact, and matters right!

Lot's of us put effort into our reviews, good or bad, that's what makes this site great for us niche punters. You're not special.


Kaycee ( The Original Milf)
Kaycee ( The Original Milf) - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-06-03 07:36:59

Reviews are important,so that others can see what they are in for. Alot don't leave reviews on a first visit,some do. Don't stress..
Have a beautiful day...
JP82 - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
Gold Member
24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-06-03 08:37:45
Edited: 2021-06-03 08:40:53


"Ah, brave white knight walks into it."
- What does me telling you to stop being an arrogant prick have to do with being a white knight?

"You see, 47% in the adult male population punt. That's 15 million in SA that book, not call, not read forums, BOOK. You're telling me close to 15 million guys are booking through ESA after reading reviews?"

- What the fuck are you talking about? There is literally no way to get from what I said to what you think I'm telling you. I haven't made any claims about how many punters actually do read reviews, just that whatever sample size you are extrapolating from, it is too small to make definitive statements on the behaviour of punters in general. So no, I'm not telling you that "close to 15 million guys..."

"You're right about the girls knowing better too, hence none have tried to dispute the above stats beach well that is the reality but you want to jump in with your own BS thinking you know better, lol"

- At least you can now agree that the girls know better. Now if only I could get you to realise that the natural implication of that is that you are in no position to tell them what they should and shouldn't worry about. Also no-where have I suggested that I know better- all I've said is 'Fucking listen to those that do (i.e. the ladies)'

"If reviews arenas big as you think in the grand scheme, red and blue sites would be dead but they're bigger than ESA and wgs from here won't advertise there since they don't review."

- Good god this is a confused, contradictory steaming turd of a statement. So... the girls here won't advertise there because they don't have reviews, but reviews don't matter? You don't see perhaps a slight contradiction in what you're saying?

"This review base is a small niche and you're an even smaller segment in that base, near insignificant in statistical terms tbh."

- Um, ok... but this is pretty much what I'm saying to you (except I would have gotten the semantics right). The difference is I see this and think "my experience is not representative of the entire population, so i'll defer to those with wider knowledge (i.e the SPs)", you see this and somehow go "fuck that, here's a chance for me to tell the SPs what's important to them".

"Lot's of us out effort into our reviews, good or bad, that's what makes this site great. You're not special."

- Well, you're certainly special. In the Special Olympics or special education kind of way. I wasn't claiming to be unique in any way, the point isn't that I do it but that I do it BECAUSE I have actually LISTENED to what the ladies say about the importance of reviews. Perhaps you should try it sometime, instead of using every conversation as a platform to dispense your infinite wisdom.
[deleted] - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-06-03 08:38:46

On 2021-06-03 07:32:08 NoWhiteKnight said:
On 2021-06-02 21:59:41 JP82 said: On 2021-06-02 12:55:03 NoWhiteKnight said...

It is the height of hubris to...

I guarantee you that they know better than you ever could what the impact of reviews on their business is.

What? You know your own behaviour, and maybe that of a handful of others (bearing in mind that active forum members are only a tiny percentage of even esa members, nevermind the entire punter universe) and now you presume to extrapolate from that to tell the ladies what they should and shouldn't worry about? Even if they haven't sat down and done explicit sums I promise you that the ladies have a far better sense of the relative importance of return vs new customers etc. for their individual business than you ever could. Jesus, have some goddamn humility and trust that the ladies know better than you do when it comes to their livelihoods.

Personally, I put a fair amount of thought and effort into most of my reviews because I've explicitly asked several ladies if a review actually makes any sort of difference, I don't want to waste my time and energy if not. Without fail, all of them have said a good review can make a significant difference. But wait... NWK says they don't? Who should I believe?

Ah, brave white knight walks into it.

You see, 47% in the adult male population punt. That's 15 million in SA that book, not call, not read forums, BOOK. You're telling me close to 15 million guys are booking through ESA after reading reviews?

And I'm the one with a sample size of one...

You're right about the girls knowing better too, hence none have tried to dispute the above stats beach well that is the reality but you want to jump in with your own BS thinking you know better, lol

If reviews arenas big as you think in the grand scheme, red and blue sites would be dead but they're bigger than ESA and wgs from here won't advertise there since they don't review. This review base is a small niche and you're an even smaller segment in that base, near insignificant in statistical terms tbh.

Lot's of us out effort into our reviews, good or bad, that's what makes this site great. You're not special.


Your statistics a thumb suck and bullshit. There is no way half of adult males in South Africa punt. Wg's are primarily centered around major metropolitan areas. There are very few girls in rural areas and medium to small towns. That statistic cannot even be true for Jhb, let alone the entire country. That would mean that half (or even more due to the population density and to make up for the other less populated areas) of Soweto, Alexandra, Tembisa, Ennerdale, Eldorado Park, Lenasia males are punters? The majority of our countries population is not white and are not from affluent areas where you find lots of wg's. That does not even take into account that the huge number of adult males living in rural areas and small and medium sized towns. You would need a big portion of the vast majority of the population which are non-white and live outside of the cities to be punters to hit your statistic.

Nobody is suggesting that all punters come through ESA, but a huge number of girls on this site only advertise here and a huge number advertise here and on one, maybe two other site. ESA is the number 1 site. If a girl advertises on ESA there is a very big chance that her advert was found on ESA. And as I have pointed out in my other post above it's a big bullshit myth that guys that book ladies off ESA don't read this forum or don't post here. Most just want to fly under the radar and not have the attention that comes with girls knowing who they are on here and following their posts. The reasons why guys don't review also vary, see my post above, but a big reason for that is that some girls are just not as great as they think they are. Guys are more likely to review a fantastic experience (because you want to give credit where it's due) or a horrible one (because she treated you like shit and payback is a bitch). The "meh" inbetween ones are not worth the effort to sit and type for all punters. A lot of us rather move on to the next one.
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Reviews !
Re: Reviews !
Gold Member
16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-06-03 08:45:07

These last few posts are so long, there should be a TL;DR version of them


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