Kooni - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-11-16 12:04:34

On 2021-11-16 11:20:03 Miss Megan said:
If I'm off or to busy during the day I don't phone back or respond to WhatsApp messages.
I never know where you might be after an hour, in the evenings or if you might be with family.

I'm thinking about the potential client! He's definitely not going to see me if he's wife finds my message on his phone.

It's impossible to respond to everyone all the time.

Very valid what you are saying, that why I prefer to make contact via ESA pm, lady can respond anytime and the possibality of "someone else" reading the message are very slim.
LBL - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
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4 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-16 14:15:53

If the lady has read the message and don't reply within 72 hours I move on.
ziggyjoon - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
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9 Sep 2002
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Posted: 2021-11-16 14:36:20

I see the lady has read the msg, Then I give her a few days to respond. If nothing I move on!
[deleted] - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-16 14:42:55

I once had a chat with this other one via esa chat and we agreed on how and when we will meet. I gave her a call to get her address but she sounded irritated, i tried again and same attitude and then I remembered damn this is my money, I shouldn't beg for a service i pay for.
[deleted] - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-11-16 17:32:03

On 2021-11-16 11:20:03 Miss Megan said:
If I'm off or to busy during the day I don't phone back or respond to WhatsApp messages.
I never know where you might be after an hour, in the evenings or if you might be with family.

I'm thinking about the potential client! He's definitely not going to see me if he's wife finds my message on his phone.

It's impossible to respond to everyone all the time.

Miss Megan, I'm curious, what are your reasons for not responding to PM's on ESA? Sent you a message about 5 days ago, unread, no response.
[deleted] - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-16 17:51:07

On 2021-11-16 08:41:09 Sylvia said:
whats with all the messaging? why cant you call?? I do not answer sms and do not have WA on my business phone!!! why all the ping pong messaging, and dont forget girls have to pay for data an smses to respond, she will answer your question then you still want to keep that table tennis ball going. Give a bloody call finished and klar!!!! Then all your questions are answered in ONE phone call. Yeah??? S

Your inability to use text to your advantage isn't saying something about texting as a form of communication. Other ladies are able to use it very well, and it doesn't HAVE to lead to ping pong chats if you know how to do it right (I hate them with a passion as well). I made a post about this a while back:

That said, there's a time and place for everything (phone call or text)
[deleted] - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-16 17:52:52

I think most I'll usually try is three times if I REALLY REALLY want the girl. Thereafter, it's "fuck it, move on". A couple of really good looking ladies I'll probably never get to see just because of the shitty communication. Doesn't hurt me though.
BurningMan - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
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17 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-11-16 17:53:24

I move on until the next opportunity present itself.
CreamyBalls - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
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7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-16 18:35:03

My experience Three weeks laters I got a reply, Yay I have a message in my inbox, opening it up it was like Alzheimer's moment it was so long ago. Didn't bother to reply I think...
Miss Megan
Miss Megan - Re: Lack of response
Re: Lack of response
22 May 2017
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Posted: 2021-11-16 19:13:33

On 2021-11-16 17:32:03 BobbyDN said:
On 2021-11-16 11:20:03 Miss Megan said: If I'm off or to busy during the day I don't phone back or respond to WhatsApp messages.
I never know where you might be after an hour, in the evenings or if you might be with family.

I'm thinking about the potential client! He's definitely not going to see me if he's wife finds my message on his phone.

It's impossible to respond to everyone all the time.

Miss Megan, I'm curious, what are your reasons for not responding to PM's on ESA? Sent you a message about 5 days ago, unread, no response.

I apologize.

I have 272 unread messages and I try my best to get back to everyone.

I'll send you a PM now.



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