Kooni - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-01 13:27:54

On 2021-12-01 08:55:41 shyshy said:
People must just accept that it's happening more often than not, it's really happening. Many many WG and punters are doing it bareback everyday. Even some of the so called popular WGs, without mentioning names and the most vocal about it on the forum do it also(experience is the best teacher).

No need to mention names, GMs can see it for themself in the Personal Gallery pics. And not just 1 or 2, there are many.

Since mentioning it previously some photos have been removed.
Kooni - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-01 13:28:02
Edited: 2021-12-01 13:30:05

Bareback is like Covid, you will get those that deny it, and those that admit to it.
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-12-01 14:36:11
Edited: 2021-12-01 14:38:03

On 2021-12-01 12:37:47 Kommerq said:
There was once a very popular lady, she was always busy and it was always such a mission to get a booking with her but when you did omg it was so worth it. She had a particular problem being timekeeping. If your app was for 18:00 you would sit in your car for anything between 30-50 mins waiting to get the go ahead to go inside. After many bookings as per usual she was 40 or so minutes late again. When finally I went into the apartment she had prepped a blindfold and ribbons to tie me to a chair. All I know is there was lots of baby oil and knibbles, licks and bites as she teased me for a good hour. Next she was on my lap legs astride and rubbing her everything up against my everything.
And with one flick of the waist she had me bareback inside. By this time I was totally powerless and submitted to the passion of the moment.

I was worried sick for the next 3 weeks but all worked out ok thankfully.. Certainly one will never forget

Sounds splendid...heheheee, eyyyyy that worry after is not worth it...Then imagine her trying to shove your cock up her ass thereafter...Hahaha...eish...hectic.

Cunilinkiss - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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16 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-01 14:51:15

Yes yes I know all the risks and appreciate that the purple world is not the place for it but is nobody going to be honest enough to say that bb is streets better than covered?
BikerBrian - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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30 May 2017
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Posted: 2021-12-01 15:04:59

On 2021-12-01 14:51:15 Cunilinkiss said:
Yes yes I know all the risks and appreciate that the purple world is not the place for it but is nobody going to be honest enough to say that bb is streets better than covered?

Exactly like riding a bike with just a short and t-shirt on is way more exhilarating than leathers and a helmet... Need I complete the analogy?
Cunilinkiss - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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16 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-01 15:07:51

Spot on biker!! :))
Kommerq - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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27 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-01 15:25:30

On 2021-12-01 14:36:11 SuperFuck said:
On 2021-12-01 12:37:47 Kommerq said: There was once a very popular lady, she was always busy and it was always such a mission to get a booking with her but

I was worried sick for the next 3 weeks but all worked out ok thankfully.. Certainly one will never forget

Sounds splendid...heheheee, eyyyyy that worry after is not worth it...Then imagine her trying to shove your cock up her ass thereafter...Hahaha...eish...hectic.

Greek was part of the package to start with
incognito - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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7 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2021-12-01 15:25:59

Think most punters wouldn't resist being tied up and teased and a WG lowering herself onto your throbbing cock. You will regret after but doubt you will stop in the moment... especially if she is your ultimate fantasy punt.
petethepirate - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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29 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2021-12-01 15:57:33

Twice it has happened to me that the fuck is so enjoyable that I look and see that the condom has broken. Now I am so careful to not enjoy it too much.....
RobMac - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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20 Jul 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-01 16:13:51

On 2021-11-30 22:20:21 NoddyFS said:
On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.

Who hurt you?


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