Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-10 14:02:43
Edited: 2024-09-10 14:21:30

On 2024-09-10 12:08:32 J_J said:
"Balls of steel" ... you can have my balls, but bring your own steel ...

@Kickass @PeterB, what do you say about organizing a social around this. Even just a side engagement of a hour or 2 at one of your next get togethers.

Dare one hope...?

Hey J_J

After our long ago conversations and with many others a more crystallized idea came together but sadly, a prime example like therodent the belief that ANYTHING structural and possible can happen holds many in limbo.

And thanks to smallminded fucknuts like therodent , the good keep quiet and allow scum like therodent to have their vileness seem to be more of a reality than what could actually be.

To be deterred , not yet.



therodent - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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29 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-12 11:22:54

If only you knew how many times I have been with you.

On 2024-09-10 13:54:35 Russian Bridgitte said:
On 2024-09-10 13:35:13 therodent said: OMG what a load of horse shit.

Who else would it be...therodent who called himself a classless punter who has labeled the women he fucked as classless whores.



Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 12798
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Posted: 2024-09-12 11:56:32
Edited: 2024-09-12 11:57:03

On 2024-09-12 11:22:54 therodent said:
If only you knew how many times I have been with you.

On 2024-09-10 13:54:35 Russian Bridgitte said: On 2024-09-10 13:35:13 therodent said: OMG what a load of horse shit.

Who else would it be...therodent who called himself a classless punter who has labeled the women he fucked as classless whores.



Clever answer.

But a fucknut with very low self esteem like u would not have the courage to book me.

I am arriving in CT 1st October. Haven't been there since beginning of year.



therodent - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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29 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-16 09:13:42

OK :) LOL!!
Fullmont - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 09:39:39

Ive seen women lower rates for booking.....never seen someone so desperate for a booking u gotta dare someone to book self be expected.....returning to a site that gave u a moerse kick on the...
Fullmont - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 09:39:39
Edited: 2024-09-16 09:40:54

Ive seen women lower rates for booking.....never seen someone so desperate for a booking u gotta dare someone to book self be expected.....returning to a site that gave u a moerse kick on the...fraudster
Fullmont - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 09:40:40

The forum is a free resource, you can not expect protection from us for debates which you voluntary start yourself, in which you vigorously take part in and which other parties vigorously take part in. When things dont go your way and not everyone blows sunshine up your bottom you cant cry wolf at a whim.

There are people on this forum who think that the sun shines out of Russian Bridgitte bottom with regard to her writing and there are those who think her writings are utter semi plagiarized rubbish.

When Russian Bridgitte published her writing on this forum surely she was not so naive to expect everyone to like or appreciate her work, weather its truly her work or not.

Her writing if original is hardly classical literature, its actually called, pulp erotic fiction, a lower grade mills and boons type of content. Its the female equivalent of a stroke mag for men.(This is not meant as and insult to her) That being what it is many enjoy it and good for her and good for them. Many need fantasy to escape the mundane, part of ESA exists is to full fill just that.

My belief is live and let live, If there are people who believe Russian Bridgitte's writings are akin to the second coming of Christ then so be it, but let those who think its utter crap be entitled to there belief also.

Kind regards

The link of the original source
....second last post...bottom of page....
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-16 10:02:34

Dear Fullmont

Your sickness is driving u mad.
Did u sleep any?
Forgot to take your pills?

Thank you for confirming that even fucknuts like you inadvertently draw attention to all things good even if it comes from a heart and soul full of malice.

Your manic obsession with RB is becoming worrisome.

Pls don't harm yourself .

Seek help. continue to give attention to this worthy appeal ...even if it comes from a place of obsessive need to try "break" RB.

You see.. people are not illiterate, obsessed, sociopathic or desperate to find identity and purpose hounding RB.

In THIS case I hope they read this thread and if anything maybe consider the possibilities .

I do implore all to just think about it, if nothing else.

Now rest Fullmont before you pass away from an aneurysm.

Your loving

Fullmont - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 10:17:43

Dear Ladies and Gentlman

This matter has now got completely our of hand. My staff members are receiving threats of death over this issue.

I have made the following decision, RB is not welcome on my platform and neither is anyone who supports her.

Fair, unfair I could not give a hoot, threaten my staff and the line is drawn. I have taken all threats made as credible. If you wish to blow 7 shades of sunshine up her bottom pick up the phone, email her visit her site which is advertised in this thread.

If you wish to threaten anyone threaten me, come be tough with me. I've been doing this for 17 years, I've dealt with pimps, drug dealers, tough guys, criminals, killers etc etc and I am still here.


The link of the original source
....second last post...bottom of page....
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 12945
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Posted: 2024-09-16 12:26:28


Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Ever grateful.


Russian Bridgitte .


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