On 2016-01-02 17:34:17 Chmoks said:
Good to see you making a few new friends Lalita!
@Chmoks if you in need of friends, you welcome to indulge MrNgubaneJ his pleasures at R500ph. He only posted my responses but not his. The best he could come up with was telling me to go get fucked and calling me a curry muncher bitch and a kook muncher (lol).
As stated before, I know that I am not every ones cup of tea. This works very well in my favour, attracting the connoisseur who is intrigued by my unique mind, body, wit and enjoyment of kinky, erotic pleasures.
It is not my intention to attract masses, I prefer a small selection of discerning gentlemen and ladies who are emotionally mature, generous patrons and sexually like minded. My female client base has grown significantly over the past year. I therefore do not wish to entertain men who feel the need to impose their will upon women. To harass and intimidate women into lowering fees, forcing them to have to service a higher volume of clients and work longer hours. Decreasing their quality of life.
I do not agree with the members who are of the opinion that advertisers should drastically lower their fees in order to service more clients per day. This shows a selfish disregard for the well being of escorts, which I find very difficult to condone.
Escorting is a very small part of my life. It does not define who I am. I have varied interest that I share with the few friends I gained in the industry and I know that they will still be my friends when I move on to explore other avenues.