~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 09:21:17
Edited: 2024-09-09 09:31:21

Gents, this is what the ladies say about us.


You step into the night, impeccably dressed,
A vision of style, that leaves me impressed.
Your tailored suit, a perfect fit,
Exudes confidence, and a magnetic grit.

Your chiseled features, a work of art,
A masterpiece, that captures the heart.
Your eyes, bright stars, shining bright,
Draw me in, with their captivating light.

Your charm, a subtle, disarming spell,
Makes me weak, and willing to tell.
Your smile, a wicked, wicked grin,
Lures me in, with its seductive spin.

Your presence is a slow, sweet surrender,
Melting my resistance, with each tender.
Your touch ignites a deep desire,
A yearning that sets my soul on high.

Your passion is a boundless, endless sea,
Where I drown in pleasure, wild and free.
Your endurance, a marathon of delight,
Takes me higher, through the endless night.

Your sex appeal, a potent, primal force,
Unleashes desire, and leaves me, of course.
You give me multiple orgasms, a gift divine,
A pleasure so pure, that makes me mine.

You're the Seduction King, reigning supreme,
A master lover, with a gentle, loving dream.
You own the moment, with every kiss,
And leave me shattered, in pure bliss.

Yours in Passion

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 09:35:08
Edited: 2024-09-09 09:41:45


Cleanliness is key, in intimate delight,
A crucial factor, that ignites the night.
A fresh and fragrant body, a sensual treat,
Invigorates passion, and awakens sweet.

A gentle shower, a soothing caress,
Prepares the skin, for tender address.
Soft towels dry, and scented lotions play,
As anticipation builds, come what may.

Clean sheets and towels, a haven of bliss,
Ensure comfort, and a peaceful kiss.
A hygienic haven, where love resides,
Where passion thrives, and hearts abide.

Fresh breath and skin, a potent allure,
Draws lovers close, with an irresistible cure.
Confidence blooms, as cleanliness entices,
And desire unfolds, with tender, sweet devices.

In cleanliness lies, a sensual charm,
That beckons touch, and dispels alarm.
A clean body, a gift to share,
Invites intimacy, without a single care.

For cleanliness speaks, of respect and care,
For one's own body, and the lover's lair.
It whispers sweet nothings, of devotion true,
And promises pleasure, anew.

Kindly Yours

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 09:41:07
Edited: 2024-09-09 09:41:25


With every visit, a memory to share,
You weave a spell, beyond compare.
Your warmth and charm, a gentle embrace,
Make me return, to your loving space.

To keep me coming back, for more,
Show genuine interest, in my heart's core.
Listen actively, to my deepest desires,
And tailor your touch, to my burning fires.

Communication is key, to unlock my needs,
Hear my whispers, and plant tender seeds.
Be present, fully, in every moment we share,
And let our connection, grow beyond compare.

Discretion and respect, a sacred vow,
Ensure my trust, and make our bond grow.
Keep our secrets, safe and untold,
And I'll return, to your loving fold.

Attention to detail, a thoughtful touch,
Shows you value, our time so much.
Surprise me occasionally, with a sweet delight,
And I'll be hooked, on your loving light.

Be my haven, my sanctuary, my home,
Where I find solace, and am never alone.
With you, I'll find, my peaceful nest,
And return to you, forever blessed.

To secure my loyalty, show me you care,
And I'll be yours, forever willing to share.

Kind Regards

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 09:46:39


A petite frame, with curves so sweet,
Conceals a secret, that can't be beat.
A derrire so lush, so round and fine,
Defies proportions, and redefines divine.

Silk skin, smooth to the touch and sight,
Invites caresses, through day and night.
A gentle glow, that shines from within,
Illuminates beauty, and makes hearts win.

Men's eyes widen, their jaws drop low,
As they behold, this wonder to know.
Their minds racing, with deep desire's sway,
As they surrender, to her lovely way.

Reason succumbs, to instinct's gentle call,
As they're drawn in, by her beauty's thrall.
Their hearts pounding, their souls entranced too,
They're captivated, by her beauty anew.

Her tiny waist, a fragile, delicate hold,
Contrasts with curves, that unfold.
A treasure trove, of sensual delight,
That beckons touch, with pure pleasure's light.

Fuckingly Yours

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 10:02:40
Edited: 2024-09-09 10:04:07


God's finest creation, a crowning jewel,
Women, a breathtaking masterpiece, surreal.
A symphony of elegance, strength, and grace,
A divine manifestation, in every single face.

Intricately crafted, with precision and care,
Each detail a testament to divine flair.
From tender touch to unwavering might,
Women embody the essence of creation's light.

Their hearts, a sanctuary of compassion deep,
A wellspring of love, where dreams and hopes do keep.
Their minds, a canvas of vibrant thought and hue,
A kaleidoscope of innovation, anew.

Their souls, a flame that burns with fervent fire,
A beacon of hope, in life's most trying desire.
Their spirits, a gentle breeze that soothes the earth,
A calming presence, that gives life rebirth.

God's magnum opus, a work sublime and true,
Women, a reflection of divine perfection, anew.
A masterpiece that transcends mortal design,
A testament to God's infinite, creative divine.

Lovingly Yours

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 10:18:34

"Shadowed Minds"

In virtual realms, where anonymity reigns,
Ugliness festers, in secret pains.
Those who hide, behind screens of spite,
Spew venomous words, with jealous might.

Their hearts consumed, by envy's darkest night,
They lash out, with cruel delight.
Their words, a reflection, of inner strife,
A manifestation, of their own lost life.

In forums public, they unleash their scorn,
A toxic tide, that leaves hearts torn.
Their hatred fuels, a never-ending fire,
That burns within, with relentless desire.

But beauty shines, in diversity's light,
A kaleidoscope, of colors bright.
It illuminates, the darkest crevice,
And renders hate, a futile device.

For every troll, with bitter tongue,
A thousand voices, sing a sweeter song.
For every hurtful word, a gentle reply,
A soothing balm, that heals the wounded sky.

Let love prevail, in cyber halls,
And kindness conquer, hateful walls.

Warm Regards

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-09 10:30:33


In whispers of desire, I confess my need,
A deep longing, that echoes through my soul's creed.
For midnight trysts, and stolen moments sweet,
I search for you, my captivating companion, my heart's retreat.

Your eyes, like pools of shimmering starlight bright,
Draw me in, with secrets whispered through the night.
Your touch, a gentle breeze, that soothes my skin,
Beckons me, to surrender, to your loving kin.

Your lips, a rosebud's promise, of sweet delight,
Invite my passion, to dance through the endless night.
Your skin, like silk, a soft and sensual caress,
Implies a haven, where love's deepest secrets rest.

In your embrace, I find my peaceful haven,
A sanctuary, where love's true self is given.
With every glance, my heart beats anew,
In your presence, my love, my soul renews.

Your voice, a melodic whisper, that calms my mind,
A gentle breeze, that soothes the heart's deepest find.
Your smile, a radiant dawn, that breaks the night,
Illuminates our path, and guides our delight.

Come, dear companion, and claim your rightful place,
As my partner, in this sacred, secret space.
Let us weave a tale, of passion's intricate design,
And cherish every moment, in love's divine.

Together we'll create, a world of our own,
A realm of pleasure, where love is forever known.
Our hearts entwined, in love's sweet, secret dance,
Forever bound, in a romantic, sweet romance.

Sincerely Yours

Candice - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
25 Oct 2022
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Posted: 2024-09-09 12:02:31

Best soliloquy I've read in ages
~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-11 19:57:58
Edited: 2024-09-11 20:03:24

Here's a revised poem, emphasising the texture and feel of a woman's skin, as if crafted from otherworldly materials:

xxx Celestial Canvas - Super Celestial Skin xxx

Your skin, a tapestry woven from celestial silk,
Soft as stardust, gentle as cosmic mist.
Intricate patterns, like constellations bright,
Invite my touch, to explore the cosmic night.

Smooth as polished moonstone, cool to the touch,
Your skin radiates an ethereal glow, too much.
Like delicate petals of an extraterrestrial flower,
Unfurling tenderly, in every sensual hour.

Supple as the finest astral leather, strong yet divine,
Your skin's resilience, a marvel of the cosmic design.
Gently yielding, like the softest summer cloud,
Enveloping me, in a sweet, weightless shroud.

Velvety folds, like the softest, darkest velvet night,
Conceal and reveal, secrets of the cosmic light.
Satin-smooth expanses, like the stillness of a lunar lake,
Reflecting beauty, in every sensual, quivering shake.

Your skin, a masterpiece crafted from heavenly materials,
Transcending mortal bounds, in every sensual, tactile revelation.


~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Basic Member
8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-11 20:21:18

xxx The skin that cloaked her curves xxx

Her skin was porcelain, so fine and so fair,
A delicate beauty beyond compare.
I recall the moment, my heart did stray,
When I beheld her radiance, in a loving way.

Her touch was silk, soft and gentle as night,
Sending shivers down my spine, pure delight.
Her fingers traced my face, with eager care,
Leaving me enchanted, beyond repair.

Her lips were velvet, a sensual treat,
Inviting me to taste, her sweet retreat.
I savored each kiss, oh so divine,
In her loving arms, my heart entwined.

Her voice was cashmere, a soothing sound,
Wrapping me in warmth, all around.
Her words were whispers, sweet and low,
Filling me with longing, as the moments flow.

Her skin was satin, smooth and bright,
Reflecting beauty, in the morning light.
I yearned to touch her, to feel her glow,
And bask in the radiance, that only she could show.

Her laughter was chiffon, light and free,
A melody that captivated me.
Her smile was contagious, a joyous sight,
Filling my heart with wonder, at her beauty and light.

Her eyes were pearls, shining bright and true,
A treasure trove, of love anew.
I gazed into their depths, with eager eyes,
Drinking in the beauty, that only she implies.



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