On 2017-03-15 22:15:50 lookingforfun29 said:
I have a pair of short long jeans ( they stop just above the knee )
Would that count ? Or am I just grabbing at straws here ( and my legs are so thin, they could be considered straws ).
So... that means I'm grabbing my own legs now ? Oh hell no... lets not continue this any further.
On 2017-03-16 06:13:33 lookingforfun29 said:
Not to worry Stormpie, will make sure I wear a pair of jeans, sommer wash & iron them before I leave ;-)
Hope to see you there aswell.
On 2017-03-16 11:01:39 lookingforfun29 said:
Damm !!
Trust me Stormpie, with a lovely lady like that by my side, Im going to make sure she is safe ;-)