On 2017-06-13 19:02:08 johndoe69za said:
While you at it, I wish there was a way to search the forum to check if something has not been discussed before, numerous times
On 2017-06-13 12:53:17 daporra said:
I had a prominent working lady turn me down because I am "porra" she was a full on plank and had an IQ of a rolling marble!
After a couple of question I realized she didn't have a clue what a porra was and she said she wasn't prepared to take a chance lol!
Muj, no snide comments from you, I didn't even have a leaking lorry then
On 2017-06-13 10:52:15 Wild_Weasel said:
The issue can be alleviated if some girls pics aren't photo shopped too drastically. Sometimes the difference between reality and the photos are shocking !
On 2017-06-13 08:28:24 massage stephen said:
On 2017-06-12 21:27:44 skinnyd911 said: It's all about taste and preference and I don't mean to offend anyone or seem derogatory.
But not sure is this was ever brought up but I'd like to know the WG's race on her profile page.
Some other sites have this on the wg's profile.
Some pics are confusing and I would like to know details like this before calling.
You don't mean to offend but yet you do.
If you can't decide whether you are attracted to someone or not based on their picture, and need additionally to be reassured that they are not from a race you don't want to be with, then you have serious problems. What do you want, to re-introduce the pencil test?