On 2016-01-12 23:56:51 PeterBucks said:
They will steal us blind
On 2016-01-11 09:07:57 le roux said:
Food for thought.
There exists a country with a ruling indigenous party.
A country that has struggled with communism, corruption and cronyism.
They struggled with insurgent and guerrilla warfare for many years.
There is a significant wealth gap between the haves and have nots.
It includes amongst five major ethnicities amongst its population and numerous different cultures within those ethnicities.
Although ruled by an “indigenous” ethnicity the true indigenous people who were there at least 40,000 years earlier have suffered incredible repression and have been historically side lined since independence.
There are nine traditional Kings that have a say on traditional affairs.
There are two main languages that most people commonly speak but there are around 11 other languages spoken day to day basis.
The country was ruled by colonial powers until 1946 had numerous race riots in the first twenty to twenty five years of independence.
This country has grown by 5.5 – 6% per annum over the last 50 years, is a major industrial, technological and maritime player in its region.
These days children, irrespective of whether they are educated in English or their ethnic language tend to be trilingual.
These days racial disharmony an hate crimes are all but unknown, street crime is uncommon and people just plain get on with life.
The country is Malaysia. The similarities between South Africa and Malaysia are multitudinous. If they can do it so can South Africa.
On 2016-01-11 11:24:37 kameshang said:
Not to put malysia down I been there twice ten years apart. The way the tamil people are treated there is worse than racisim they mocked,teased dealt with violently even a t times killed if they in the way of the majority. No country is perfect and for me sa people and our country are just the best ,yes we do have a lot of problems but we need individuals to implement solutions and contribute their bit so ask yourself what have I our what have I done to make the country best it can be. I think I'm doing my bit by my small contrubitions ask and I shall tell.