[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-07 00:29:17

With that being said, my only advice is this - don't turn to punting when loneliness creeps in because that's a recipe for disaster. Rather turn to something that does not involve sex.

When your brain is just looking for for a fix to get to that "happy place", any form of human connection at that moment in time is good - no questions asked. And if you visit a service provider who treats you like a king, guess what your brain will want more of. Yep, that very same service provider. At some point in time everything will go back to normal (chemical balance) and you'll ask yourself, "what the f*ck was I thinking?". Let's hope that when this happens, the WG or MG won't be attached because you chose to form some kind of relationship when you were needy.

In my opinion, it's more dangerous for the service provider, so man the **** up :)

[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-07 06:35:13

On 2017-09-06 23:56:06 Pseudonyms said:
"Got that look that only a mother can love", hahaha! I don't mean to be insensitive, but that's hilarious.

No offense taken.

I think we all in for the same reason, and all realise that you should not get attached to a SP. Sometimes easier said than done.

I have become great friends with some of the ladies,and have no regrets about it. Luckily that is as far as it has gone, and I hope to stay friends with them for years to come.

Arhwen - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2017-09-09 08:19:07

So here's my take on this. Punter's need to remember the ladies sell a fantasy or a service. For us to be successfull we need to always put our best foot forward and be the best that we can be at all times.

Most girls have a rule we don't mix business with pleasure why because it hardly ever works out.

However because we are humans and we do have feeling when one has a regular you build up a relationship with your client you get to know about them you start to care for them this is where it becomes tricky if a working girl does not set boundaries.

Sometimes girls think it will be a fairy tale ending but most often she would find herself in some sort of hell which she created for herself.

There's so many various angles to look at this from. If you look at different situations.

Is the man married?
Is he a bullshitter???
did the punter and lady getting involved beyond the point of a business transactions etc...

Ladies need to remember if a punter is sweet talking you for whatever reason that he is probably doing the exact same elsewhere.

And punters need to remember you catch more bees with honey ;)
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-20 07:17:15

Arhwen, I so totally agree with you! Only problem is...... Us guys are stupid, we're thinking with the wrong brain and then we fall for the fantasy thinking it's real........
Arhwen - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2017-09-21 13:07:45

A problem is only a hurdle which can be over come.

It's not that guys are stupid the thing is ladies make the same mistake too. That's because we are human and there's a thin line between Lust Love and a business transaction.

Our brain is the computer box of our body and is very powerful we just need to train it.

What I do before a booking is I mentally physically and spiritually prepare myself for the booking before God's knows who's going to arrive through my door arrives.

Like wise should you on your drive to the lady remind yourself not to get attached it's just business almost like a little mantra this will help you to remain unattached.

Should you at any point feel attached during the booking silently repeat your mantra to yourself.

I promise it works.
fordv8 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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15 Sep 2017
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Posted: 2017-09-28 15:24:16

It happens to a lot off us. Not a good thing.
Blaza - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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27 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2017-10-01 10:21:44

The only time this is bad is when the feeling is not mutual, in which case just shake it off and get over it. When the feeling is mutual, it's the most beautiful thing in the world and I embrace it wholeheartedly
Arhwen - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2017-10-03 05:28:52

On 2017-10-01 10:21:44 Blaza said:
The only time this is bad is when the feeling is not mutual, in which case just shake it off and get over it. When the feeling is mutual, it's the most beautiful thing in the world and I embrace it wholeheartedly

Question how often is the feeling mutual and how often is it a business transaction???

The ladies sell a fantasy and they do that very well and its part of the ladies job to make sure that you come back and that too they do well.

I can assure you that you are not the only man that lady has made feel special ;) its what we do and its what makes us successful ;)

Just some food for thought
Blaza - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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27 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2017-10-03 08:18:32

On 2017-10-03 05:28:52 Arhwen said:

Question how often is the feeling mutual and how often is it a business transaction???

The ladies sell a fantasy and they do that very well and its part of the ladies job to make sure that you come back and that too they do well.

I can assure you that you are not the only man that lady has made feel special ;) its what we do and its what makes us successful ;)

Just some food for thought

I thank you for your input and participation. How often is the feeling mutual? Not all the time but often enough. I'm not a spring chicken and I've been around the block so I'm not naive. I know that the ladies are here to sell a fantasy and I'm not fooled by that and accept it for what it is when it happens.

But what do you say when someone, without any prompting from my side, suddenly tells me that I should stop paying just so that I can see them more often? Send me messages in the middle of the night telling me how much they miss me and invite me to come over and spend the night? Stop doing business altogether on some days just so we can be together. Is this still selling a fantasy?

When I first started punting several years ago, I also was taken in by the stereotypes of the industry. I have since, through careful observation, learned that not all girls are in it for the same reasons and with the same intentions. I've learned that some have taken this business more seriously and are 'career girls' while others are more casual about it. I've never on my own ever tried to start anything with a working girl but I've learned to spot when someone wants more and in that case I do let them know I'm open to the idea within certain boundaries. I've found that this is often the case with "casual girls" but even "career girls" are not always in career mode. We all human after all
MrShyGuyV2 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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2 Dec 2016
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Posted: 2017-10-03 22:13:44

General Rambling on the topic...

We all risk ourselves participating in this purple game, SPs and Punters alike.
Its about fantasy yes, but a bit different than Lord of the Rings. You are "playing" the role of yourself, or what you perceive yourself to be. This is very close to reality. It is when the reality of the fantasy breaches into your reality that your rev counter goes into the red.

Punter's remorse in my opinion is normally when you crash from cloud 9 after an encounter toe hell level 7 where "reality" exists. When hell level 7 begins to feel like cloud no 9 (credit to Bryan Adams for background muzak) because of a spesific lady, that lines get blurry.

How do you know when both party's feelings are mutual? You don't. You think you do, but really you don't. Like INL said, return bookings play a huge part here, its mostly business. Its like signing a retainer with yourself, only, you don't realise it.

Specific thoughts on the topic here...
When you do find yourself in this situation, you will have to ask yourself the hard questions:
Is it lust or love?
Why would you open yourself for her? Ie what are your past or current relationship issues.
What role does money play in the relationship?
If she is still an SP, are you sure you are the only one she has feelings for?
How can you be sure?
Can you trust yourself?

There are no clear-cut answer set here. Make sure you can trust yourself and follow your gut-feelings...


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