JustJoe - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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14 Feb 2007
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Posted: 2012-09-02 22:15:39

This women has a history of being a total bigot so I don't believe a word she says. Just look at the shit she sprouted in reply to havatas shemale post. same old same old...
stallion559 - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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16 Jul 2012
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Posted: 2012-09-03 00:08:35

Well, guess I can also say sorry for being harsh. Just lost my cool with the instigating of racial-issues and some extreme racist remarks. Let's just enjoy and do whatever makes us tick without being nasty and climbing into each others characters. Ek is jammer Shakira, jy en Mandy is steeds pragtig.
Remember - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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27 Dec 2006
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Posted: 2012-09-04 01:51:34
Edited: 2012-09-04 01:55:34

Not every guy that visits an escort is married or even has a girlfriend but im sure everyone would agree that many (maybe even most) are. I think we can also agree that the girlfriends and wives of these men do not know and would not approve of their men visiting escorts. Now many reasons can be made and excuses can be told but it isnt the nicest thing to do now is it?

Many of the people on this forum most likely feel that prostitution is not a real crime and should be legalised. There are many arguments for and against but i probably agree. The fact is though that according to the law at the moment, selling sex for money as a prostitute does, is illegal. It is a criminal act. By this definition i get to 'criminal escort'.

Now please note i have nothing against escorts or the men that see them. I used the terms 'cheating husbands' and 'criminal escorts' to just point out that very few people here are without flaws or sins. I find it rich how these people who arent Mother Therea's and Ghandi's themselves jump on the bandwagon to flog and stone the forum black sheep. It is a real mob mentality in my opinion. 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone', comes to mind

A feisty woman who was clearly upset about something said something on an internet forum which can be interpreted as a form of prejudice. Is this really what we have our panties in a knot about? Ive such much MUCH worse!

She made a mistake and is sorry about it. Enough said.

Although i find it very Walt-Disney-like i cant fault the idea of trying to make good of the situation by helping the poor or needy. Quite noble.

softaz - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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21 Oct 2010
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Posted: 2012-09-04 07:42:42

Justified. Well said. Even though I dont like it!
MYK99 - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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9 Nov 2011
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Posted: 2012-09-04 08:24:57

Enough Said. Lets close this thread. shak you are 4given!
Valentina Dibell
Valentina Dibell - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2012-09-04 12:09:58

Hello remember, I hope you well.

Although I understand your reasoning and I see some good points I do differed on some.
We most agree first that the law differs when it comes to right and wrong from place to place , country, culture to culture and so on ...though there are general some same rules to all when it comes to mesure human conduct and behavior you may agree with me that is not the same braking the law by parking your in a disable bay or not renewing your visa on time ( which it makes you and illegal immigrant) than have someone killed.

According to your statement someone that has brakes the law or is doing something termed incorrect by the society and community they live within lucks of morals, integrity , honesty and perhaps compassion and should not condemn or express disagreement in any other wrong doings.

Well I was an illegal immigrant for 9 day as I couldn't renew my visa on time ....this means I am a criminal. I am by conscious choice a prostitute in a country where this profession is criminalize... so am a double criminal but by no means ever this will constitute a blind eye to me when a murder is commited in front of me or when someone is offending verbally or physically any other race or age group whether a child elder woman or else.

But please note that you did not apply your ruler quite equal when judging:
You referred to all opposing and condemning shakiras racist behavior " criminal escorts" and Chester husbands" while you term Shakira a feisty girl.

In this terms though a prostitute gets murdered or commits one and we all most stand quite and condone it as we don't have integrity and morals !

I don't thing so!

For the records: I do consider my self with the same if not higher standards of integrity, morals and honesty that mother Theresa has!

And we can debate this for years to come.

Love you all.
Thanks remember.

Regards Valentina
JustJoe - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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14 Feb 2007
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Posted: 2012-09-04 15:22:26

@Valentina! You are awesome ;)

@Remember There is a HUGE difference between ethics, morality, and the law. In South Africa it used to be illegal (criminal) for a black person to live in a white neighbourhood (the law). Yet because society as a whole eventually agreed that this was wrong (ethics) the law was changed. There are still people who's personal believes see interracial relationships as wrong (their personal "morality").

The fact that something is legal/illegal does not make it good/evil. Many laws are based on a morality to which not everyone subscribes. I personally believe that being a WG is just as noble a profession as any other. This is someone using her talents to earn a living by providing a service for someone else who has a specific need.

If this was a once of utterance by a "feisty girl" it would be forgivable. But this "feisty girl" has a habit of making derogatory statements about anyone not fitting her own narrow-minded worldviews. Historically, it is exactly that kind of attitude which has lead to the most atrocious evils. Such evils, ranging from apartheid, to the inquisition, to Nazi death camps, were generally both "legal" and in keeping with a form of narrow-minded "morality".

This is not a case of "mob mentality", this is a case of online community members saying "No!" to something that goes against the ethics this community subscribe to.
Remember - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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27 Dec 2006
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Posted: 2012-09-04 15:33:56

Im not saying people here have no right to point out wrongdoing.

Im more pointing out that a 'silly/stupid' (better than feisty?) girl made a comment which is only indirectly racist. Furthermore racism isnt even a crime! 90% or more of the entire planet is racist in some way.

I fully agree that racism is horrible and tears at the fabric of human decency, but it exists!

My point was more 'the punishment does not fit the crime' in my opinion.

I also only used the comment 'feisty' to describe her as she is a fiery woman who gets emotional very easily. She shoots from the hip and rarely thinks before speaking (or in this case typing). You are right that my wording to describe Shakira was more complimentary than my comment about some of the other forum users but that was because i felt enough insults were being flung her way and i just wanted the rest of the lynch mob to know what it feels like.

A good case could be made for the fact that Shakira probably needs a PR agent who can handle her affairs slightly more subtly and ladylike at times.
stev - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2012-09-04 16:27:24

I would be inclined to say that Shakira needs more than a PR agent.

This racism nonsense brings nothing but a whole lot of hurt and strife. What I can't for the life of me figure out is why the bigots think the insulted will simply grin, wag their collective tail, roll over and give them their tummy to tickle.

Seriously?! In this century?

Racists make the case for Malema & his ilk quite brilliantly. And they are simply too dumb to see that.

SeeConquerCome - Re: I had no right...
Re: I had no right...
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26 May 2012
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Posted: 2012-09-04 16:34:08

@Remember .. SS made a comment that was directly racist, there was nothing to me about it being indirect.

As I undertand it, racism, if taken to court, is a criminal offence, do you know that certain holiday resorts were sued for not allowing other races. So, South Africa, for all the good reasons, is in a different space. So, I would be wary about comparing South Africa to other countries as the wounds are still healing here, and we are all probably already poisoned by our prejudices, and the only hope is for the younger generation in school.

It is an interesting tactic to use terms like "cheating husbands" and "criminal escorts" to make a point as that tends to backfire, as the core point is lost by the noise/distraction of having to defend yourself. What SS wrote is inexcusable and should be indefensible and leave it at that, as throwing stones into the pond to make waves does not change the fact that one of the fish was quite smelly.

So, the only point that I can agree with you is that SS, needs to think twice before posting something. Me thinks, after all the drama, that she has learnt her lesson.

Hope that this does not come across as too strong for you as I know that you are trying to bat for the beaten and the trodden. I say, let us stop mentioning SS and let her find her own "redemption", and look forward to better days than looking back to bad days. so, Forgive but do not Forget is my mantra.


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