Shanty - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
11 Jun 2011
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Posted: 2012-08-02 15:55:52

WTF - since WHEN ?o u screw a WG without a condom???

How horny were u - how low cAn oNe go...blush...Dude - seriously, read a book called War of ??? Sperm! LuCkily we have guys. Like u around to teach other punters ??? value of glOves hahaha
perhaPs Start taking uP a collection for maintenance from ??? esa community - Or. Kiss Your pujnting days good bYe hahaha...babies ????? expensive!

[deleted] - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2012-08-02 16:20:48

Don;t take her word or a sonar print out. Be there when its done. There's a good chance you won't need any of the advice given here. And for your sake I hope that's the case. I've heard this story before. And in that case more than 1 guy was told he's the father of a nonexistent pregnancy. When one wanted to take the lady to a doctor, she disappeared. That's why I'm stressing that the pregnancy test and ultrasound is of utmost importance. And you've got to take her so you can be sure everything's real and dates correspond. If she's just after money,she's gonna try everything under the sun to dupe you and believe me she's gonna be very convincing...I just somehow get the feeling you're being conned.
TingTongLover - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
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16 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2012-08-02 16:37:21

Again my opinion is all : but I really hate it when people get all sanctimonious ! Hell yes, when a guy has to taste the forbidden fruit( in most punters cases), then he's obviously asking for it doing it without a condom. That said, Who the f$*k are we to judge him ? The guy asked for advice, not for a freekin sermon ! Rich ! Very rich is all i say !
Fleetfoot - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
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24 Feb 2007
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Posted: 2012-08-02 17:47:32

Nadia you very cynical. You really think the WG could just be trying to con money out of this guy?

If you got the girl pregnant you got to do the right thing- emotionally and financially
Simone - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
25 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2012-08-02 18:02:15

@fleetfoot atlast some1 that thinks like me.yes sure some wg are in a bad place.but im sure most of us do this 2 give our kids a good life.wg's can be gr8 mums 2.but yes the punter perhaps made a wg pregnant so 1st go make sure the date and all those small details.and then you'll can decide what would be the best 4 both of you'll 2 do.wish both of you'll the best.
justlooney - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
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14 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2012-08-03 09:25:41

@TTL - yes you are quite right about sanctimonious people and double standards- we should not judge.
@FF - ditto - spot on.
the only good advice given so far (and I re-cap) is
1. get all the tests done (HIV paternity etc)
2. once the facts are known - deal with them one at a time.
3. deal with facts - not emotion. Get professional advice if need be (doctors social workers etc)

Finaly - Simone - agreed not all working girls make bad mothers - nor do all "civillian" girls make good mothers. Good mothers are the ones who sacrifice themselves in whatever way they can and put their children first to give them a better life (often a better life than they had) JMHO.
josieboy - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
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5 Jan 2012
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Posted: 2012-08-03 13:34:35

Naomi - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
23 May 2012
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Posted: 2012-08-03 17:01:28

We women we something sometimes. I would understand if you guys had something going on like a relationship but if it was just a one nightstand or whatsoever you guys had than I don't understand why the girl would want to have a child would a punter. I think its all bullshit.
TingTongLover - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
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16 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2012-08-03 17:16:34

Agree, and well said Naomi
Naomi - Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
Re: i made working girl pregnent, what do i do?
23 May 2012
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Posted: 2012-08-03 17:22:07

I mean *with*


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