On 2017-11-13 20:28:10 I never learn said:
My shrink says I must go out and try try again
Mine said the exact same, so conclude with me we both must enrich the same sadistic bastard - which, incidentally, leads me to believe we're the only two who still use the - same! - Yellow pages? Perhaps I also shall move somewhat closer to that newfangled interweb, 'goegel' it's called.
You're not alone in being left alone, she-who-shall-not-be-named left me hanging high & dry too - and here was me, hoping for deep & wet! But, this will have consequences for her, which she full well knows too.... and now here's the thing, she's looking forward to those??
Wimmin.... they're beyond me, doubtful if persistence eventually will pay, but I'll try and try again ;-)