Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-03-14 22:51:20

...and so this adventure comes to an end.

To sleep deep and satisfied.

Good night my Durban.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-03-15 07:18:11

Thank you my most dear Durban for a week of pure sensual bliss.

Thank you for always making me feel special and part of your community.

Places and spaces are nothing without the people.

Until my return, I do hope you shall keep me close,in thought and miss the very naughty we know to surrender to.

See you in April.

Loving you.

Russian Bridgitte.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-07 08:31:02
Edited: 2024-04-07 08:31:36

Good morning my beautiful Durban.

Over a month that I have been away and it has been hard work to re-establish my foundation back at home in reference to "work work".

First it was lockdown that blew my plans for Durban out the water and now the dire situation that Durban is going through.

Last year in August, 6 month contracts work signed,6 month lease signed with the intent of signing longer agreements all full of plans and ideas of growth and and...

As mentioned earlier in this thread, a drop in business of nearly 40% , I am not talking about the sensual space...that was not the reason for making Durban my second home.... the membership drop in many of the pvt sporting academies I am affiliated to, pvt individuals more frugal with money spend, has had me, once again, re-evaluate my cost spread .

The biggest hit this time around is the water shortage . Service delivery taking a nose dive too.

The apathy in communities and among people is more than sad. It is tragic.

And thus, once again, to make Durban a travel destination rather than my second home.

It no longer makes financial sense to have the overheads both in Durban and Jhb in the hope of better times.

That does not mean I say goodbye to Durban completely, it simply means less visits and mainly around for major sporting events.

And should the economic side of Durban start looking up again and the ethekweni municipality get ousted and replaced with one that cares to be in servitude to the people rather that rape and loot the coffers for their personal wealth and glory....plans will be planned again!


SEE YOU 20 APRIL......

In town to tie up unfinished business and spoil myself with the naughty side of Durban that has never failed to capture my erotic imagination.

I look fwd to ALL of you and make it a sexsensual blast.

Two weeks it is and I am there!... I need that share with YOU for it ain't a happy return considering the changes that are required.


As they one door closes, another opens!



Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-08 17:15:04

Aaaah my Durban....

Freezing here but the cottage cozy warm, scent of aromatic oils and thus should this cold weather greet my on my return to Durban, then the same treats I shall bring along with me.


I shall be in town for about 3 weeks odd and truly want to make it a 3 weeks to be remembered until my return later in the year.

Just under two weeks it is....and I am back!

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-10 17:45:10

Good evening my delightful Durban.

Oh yes! I shall be back and yes I shall continue making Durban my favorite destination.

Nothing has changed with respect to that

All that shall change is my infrastructure and less frequent visits and a greater concentration on re-establishing myself in my "work space" back in Jhb.

Hopefully the political and economic tide changes in Durban soon soon and then, once again to relook new possibilities.

The naughty sensual side of things will most definitely keep me coming back to indulge and feed my love of all things Durban!

See u soon soon.

Arriving 20 April and cannot wait to feed myself with YOU .
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-12 19:15:56

My delightful Durban.

Just over a week and I look fwd to losing myself in YOU!

Abstinence, absence and simply times not aligning have made me miss many of my sexy Durbanites.

And thus I look fwd to not only making you mine in all sorts of sensual, erotic, seductive of ways but....looking fwd to YOU spoiling me with your amorous lover like surrender lover for that bit of time we shall be together.

Next weekend it begins!


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-14 17:23:30

An early good evening dearest Durban.

6 days left

..... and back in one of my favorite places and although a few changes on my workfront shall takw place...that in no way impacts on the naughty side of all things erotic and sensual.

If anything...on this visit there shall be more time to indulge in all things mind and body satisfying.....more time for RB shares!

I cannot wait to try a few new things and make up for the time I have been away.

Looking fwd to being your spoil...and you mine.

See u next Saturday!

Keep those times penciled in for you and I.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-15 10:56:54

Goooood morning my Durban!

Yes yes yes! I shall be in Town for at least two weeks minimum.

Now.....not only my usual erotica BUT come share in the new slippy slidy warm oil sessions considering winter and cold weather is on the way.

The mix of oils is to stimulate, heal and enhance the sensual share we shall have.

Of course my sport wellness part shall be included.

Why not?

The best of wellness and naughty...and a mind and body satiated.

SEE YOU SOON SOON....keep those requests coming in.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-16 21:25:03

All geared and ready....

Feeling sensual and very woman.

Feeling for my Durban delights, my gorgeous gentleman.

4 days it is.


I do hope you have penciled in those times for you and I.

Dream of us.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-19 13:09:05

Hello my delightful Durban.

I arrive tomorrow Saturday late and shall be available as from Sunday.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, a few changes shall be taking place and the main one being that my infrastructure changes as do my travels to Durban become less frequent

When things are out of ones control and impact one's finances in a negative way, then to sit down and restrategise .

Whatever choices one makes should be as financially viable as well as on a personal level, enjoyed reaping other rewards not only monetary.

The challenges that Durban is suffering at the hands of the ethekweni municipality have spiraled out of control to such levels that businesses, homes, relationships...the whole socio-economic infrastructure is teetering on a near is tragic.

And thus for now Durban to become a destination as opposed to my second home.

BUT....that in no way impacts on us sharing in each other in the most naughtiest of ways.

In fact....on THIS trip I shall have more time to be naughty as hell as my work work shall take a second seat

And thus...I do hope u have kept those times for you and I?

And a little bit of something new for the cooler weather is on the cards!




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