Posted: 2012-01-31 12:03:19
Well well...I wasn't aware of this thread...till today.
I have read a lot of opinions, outbursts and comments here - all interresting by the way...
To give my take on this...
Each person has his own preferences of pleasure, views, sexual desires and fantasies. No one has the right to lash out at someone else's preferences. We can all read, learn and decide for ourselves.
People who still think this is new/weird, must wake up and smell the coffee! FFS we are living in the 21st century! Look carefully around you and you might be stunned what was actually there all the time...
I love these creations and will always do. I have been with a couple of she-males before and am not ashamed to admit it. It doesn't make me gay though. I am fully bisexual and proud of it.
I do like the female form as well just as often as the male form of pleasure.
I salute all the REAL shemales on this site and thank you for your contributions to a better society. We couldn't do without you.
To all the cross-dressers out there...tsk tsk tsk...get out and work on it. Come back when you are genuine.
And FYI, I have had a very nice and intelligent conversation with Mimi and Phoemela the other day. Very informed, genuine and good looking girls with whom I'll spend hours chatting to and off course everything that follows. Thank you ladies, for being you!
Cheers peeps!