[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-17 10:23:07

On 2021-05-15 18:24:56 Lesley said:
On 2021-05-15 17:52:28 Cassanata said: On 2021-05-14 17:41:37 Lesley said: Gents, I have noticed some members commenting negatively on SP's review threads, or asking SP's information on the review thread.

Information should be asked for via call, text or inbox no?

My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

Even though there's no rule against this, I think its a little unfair when there is a barrage of negative comments from members who have not actually booked with the SP.

I just feel that if you paid, got bad service it is your right to blow off steam in a review, however when 10 of us jump on the bandwagon but none of us have booked it becomes a bit much.

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.

What's this chick yapping on about, she seems to have an opinion on everything like those wokista virtue signalling celebrities. imagine being in a room with her and miss red, they will talk your ears off.

Not sure what you mean by comments on a wg review section. I don't see what the issue with punters asking each other questions. Reviews from punters who have not actually been to the lady usually get removed so that is not an issue. I haven't seen the malicious commenting you are referring to, if anything I think the crowd here is too nice and refrain from a negative review most of the time.

Ahem......I do have an opinion on everything. And yes have you not read? Apparently I am quite the conversationalist. But with you I can surely dumb it down a bit.

I am just yapping....don't mind me :)

Dumb it down? Lol, yeah that's why you are an escort right. Little girl you are not on my level.
oraljim - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-17 10:35:05

On 2021-05-17 10:23:07 Cassanata said:
Dumb it down? Lol, yeah that's why you are an escort right. Little girl you are not on my level.

And that right there ladies and gentlemen, tells us exactly how he feels about escorts. Strange that he posts this on an escort site. That and 395 other messages. So you hold them in contempt but yet I bet you visit them. Hypocrisy thou hast no bounds.
JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 12:09:32
Edited: 2021-05-17 12:30:05

On 2021-05-17 10:35:05 oraljim said:
On 2021-05-17 10:23:07 Cassanata said: Dumb it down? Lol, yeah that's why you are an escort right. Little girl you are not on my level.

And that right there ladies and gentlemen, tells us exactly how he feels about escorts. Strange that he posts this on an escort site. That and 395 other messages. So you hold them in contempt but yet I bet you visit them. Hypocrisy thou hast no bounds.

@oraljim This doesn't even begin to cover the depths of his hypocrisy. After my post above, he sent me a lovely little pm in which he described me as a "virtuous whoremonger" for standing up to his bullying. It's pretty clear that he has nothing but disdain for both punters and SPs alike, and yet here he is...

Given that disdain for punters, it's also pretty obvious that his obnoxious bullying behaviour is a result of his self-loathing at his own perceived moral failing for being a "whoremonger" (he wouldn't use that term as an insult if he didn't regard it as such). Unfortunately, he lacks the self-awareness (or even the capacity for introspection) necessary to understand why he's so angry all the time, and lashes out at everyone else (especially the SPs) as if they're to blame for his feelings of guilt. So the rest of us have to watch him having little temper tantrums, and acting like a dick to anyone and everyone, like a two year old who doesn't understand why it's frustrated.
JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 12:26:26

@oraljim, just as a further example - his pm also called me a "brave white knight" for standing up for some of the ladies. But the behaviour I called him out for (creepily forum stalking and insulting London) was because she had apparently offended one of his fav's at the last social. And he has the gall to accuse others of trying to win brownie points...
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 12:29:41

You guys do know that you can block people on your PM's? You so know that you can report unwanted *verbal* abuse to admin? And I certainly hope every one knows that little button called "report post" aint there just for show.? You can report posts that you think is breaking Esa rules..of which "respect" is the first rule?

If someone really is rubbing you up the wrong way use the tools to your disposal.. or walk away and ignore it.. going back and forth insulting each other and derailing threads to a point where people that actually want to contribute constructive comments be they positive or negative by passes the threads and go share recipies is why our forum is falling apart and so few people choose to be active on it.

The forum is one of the biggest selling feature when punters and SPs join . But I would say 90% don't use it. They will try once run into stuff like this and just never contribute to forum every again.
[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-05-17 12:36:34

The sad reality here is that a true reflection of people's attitudes towards the ladies can never be gauged on this platform.Thats why the ladies generally use the real world to see how they are valued and treated which is generally negatively sadly. Some punters have a similar view of the ladies while many who defend them do so based on a bias as these ladies fulfill their needs fantasies and addictions. Had they had a similar interaction does not have to be the same issue here but just in general with someone they would most likely have a negative reaction as well. The truth is in today's world there are truly very few good people and here sadly is no exception.

Sorry if this went of the topic. Just a point I think should be made.Not attacking anyone thanks
JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 12:46:02
Edited: 2021-05-17 12:47:06

On 2021-05-17 12:29:41 Miss Red (aka Louise) said:
You guys do know that you can block people on your PM's? You so know that you can report unwanted *verbal* abuse to admin? And I certainly hope every one knows that little button called "report post" aint there just for show.? You can report posts that you think is breaking Esa rules..of which "respect" is the first rule?

If someone really is rubbing you up the wrong way use the tools to your disposal.. or walk away and ignore it.. going back and forth insulting each other and derailing threads to a point where people that actually want to contribute constructive comments be they positive or negative by passes the threads and go share recipies is why our forum is falling apart and so few people choose to be active on it.

The forum is one of the biggest selling feature when punters and SPs join . But I would say 90% don't use it. They will try once run into stuff like this and just never contribute to forum every again.

Since he's only sent me one pm, avoiding that abuse would have required me to pre-emptively block him. Whatever talents I have, seeing into the future isn't one of them. And lets not even pretend that ESA are anything but unbelievably bad at enforcing "rule no.1".

I do not mean to derail the thread (sorry Lesley), but if someone is a dick/bully on a particular thread, then I am going to call them out for it on that thread.
[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-17 12:49:56

Lol these guys take themselves too seriously.

I'm laughing my @$$ off...
JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Basic Member
24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 13:03:46
Edited: 2021-05-17 13:18:46

On 2021-05-17 12:49:56 Cassanata said:
Lol these guys take themselves too seriously.

I'm laughing my @$$ off...

Says the guy who gets so upset that he sends insulting pms.
London - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
15 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-17 13:20:11

On 2021-05-17 13:03:46 JP82 said:
On 2021-05-17 12:49:56 Cassanata said: Lol these guys take themselves too seriously.

I'm laughing my @$$ off...

Says the guy who gets so upset that he sends insulting pms.



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