BOOBS53 - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Gold Member
9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2017-06-25 11:57:02

INL ... good advice for the ladies ... what about a couple for us punters !!!
[deleted] - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-25 12:01:34


I will have to write a few pages. Too much for this forum..

And the other day I heard that people only read the first and the last paragraph of everyting I write. So the middle part is lost in any case.

We are fucknuts. Let's stick to that.

And writing shorter pontifications.


PS : These things are always better discussed over a long branna and coke...
Put that as Point no 2 on our agenda, Point 1 being me getting you back for my sleepless night.
[deleted] - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-25 12:12:18
Edited: 2017-06-25 12:13:06

Oh and a favourite of mine. My staff comes a week before month end to ask for a loan. But then they smoke every day, and you hear about the good party they had. So no, stop smoking and drinking then I might consider it.

So, stop smoking. Stop drinking. Drugs I mentioned already. You are your own worst enemy.

Calculate that amount you spend on alcohol and cigarettes per day. Then multiply by 30. Then multiply by 12.

That is the amount per year that you waste.

If you really want to survive, start cutting now. Winter is upon is, and it is going to be a bitterly cold one lasting for a long time. The shit is only starting now. The knock-on effect has not even kicked in yet.

Money is tighter, credit will dry up, that lekker credit card will become an albatross before long.


BOOBS53 - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Gold Member
9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2017-06-25 12:28:43

Yes .. we will discuss that over a couple of brannas !!! Please just don't tell me to join the SSS ... lol !!! (Already a member)
[deleted] - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-25 12:36:03

For the punters

1. Stop smoking, with the money spend on cigarettes in a month you can rather do an extra punt that might just help s lady in need.

BOOBS53 - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Gold Member
9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2017-06-25 14:59:48

At the rate I am smoking ... it is 4 punts more a month !!!
Ms Paige
Ms Paige - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
29 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2017-06-25 19:44:40

Girls need to find a option B... if you have passion for something...(mine is restoring old furniture)... try to use it to earn extra money...

Sometimes I go back to Elysium to say hi to my friends and to see how their doing... I get so frustrated seeing them sitting in the sun, waiting for a damn bell to ring... what a waste of time and energy. Get on your computers and start working online... if you dont have a computer, try to invest in one as soon as possible, even if you have to pay for it in kindness... if you have a goal and a dream and responsibilities you need to work to get there. Money ain't gonna fall from heaven. I work 3 jobs... Being an escort obviously brings in the most money but not enough. From 8 to midnight every night I go on cam... with my Chaturbate money I could paid off my credit card debts (R56 000) in 5 months... I'm now pushing my car instalment to be debt free. Being lazy and sit around for a bell or phone to ring is not an option ladies.
Focus on a better life... unfortunately it comes with hard work...
[deleted] - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-25 21:51:57

1) Have a budget and KNOW where your money is going. Not just have an idea, but accurately track your expenses. It really is an eye opening experience. There are apps like 22seven that helps with this, but only tracks cash through your bank account and shows you how much money you spend on what, but may not be ideal for wg's who use primarily cash. If you have to then write down every penny you spend for a few months. I'm generally very good with a budget, but I was surprised where and how I spend my money. Just by changing a few habits from this exercise, one can save a lot of money.

2) Pay off debt is the best way to save money. If you are paying R5000 pm on debt and you pay that off you get a return of R5000 in your pocket every month. You will need a good few hundred thousand in an interest bearing account to give you R5000 in interest every month, but you can get that by just paying off your debt. And this goes without saying, stay debt free. Cut the cards, close the accounts.

3) If you have a car, don't skimp on maintenance. Just by balancing and doing your wheel alignment say every 10 000 km's, your tires will last much much longer and you'll save thousands. The same with servicing, keep services up to date.
MrShyGuyV2 - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
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2 Dec 2016
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Posted: 2017-06-25 22:01:01

Consider trading in your gas-guzzler for a more economic ride. According to my driving habits, I can save around R3k a month on diesel alone just by doing that. Then add cheaper insurance, replacement car with a service plan, possibly a smaller installment...

Still figuring out what to get though, ideas and suggestions are welcome.
330guy - Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
Re: Ways to survive this tough economic climate
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1 Dec 2012
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Posted: 2017-06-26 01:54:11
Edited: 2017-06-26 02:28:25

On 2017-06-25 11:27:50 I never learn said:

11.) Listen and implement good advice. Been down this road so many times. Give sound advice, and all you get back is an empty stare. What was the middle part again ? At that point I just shut up and leave.

I find it absolutely amazing how a lot of people seem to have an almost allergic reaction to sound financial advice.

The sad thing is that its not that difficult to get through difficult times. It just takes a little bit of discipline and common sense. But nooooo!! Most people ,unfortunately would rather be like sheep - follow what the others are doing without considering their own personal circumstances.


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