[deleted] - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-12-02 20:46:45

On 2021-12-02 18:56:24 Potatoejetguy said:
What I want to know is, why start this thread and then narrow it down to 10 advertisers, which will harm their business as punters will think twice.
Maybe this guy that started this thread is a jealous WG wanting to make business bad for the top 10. Who knows.
Just post a review and get it over and done with

This is a possibility. Has happened before.
semensquirter - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 21:12:08
Edited: 2021-12-02 21:22:00

On 2021-12-02 15:28:35 Gimbol said:
...The fact that the person calling me gave me the date AND time I saw this person makes me wonder how it could be anyone else but them sharing the info...

So...Gimbol...If "this person" told you the exact date and time...
then surely you should know exactly which lady you visited!
AND you know that SHE is one of the top ten...
So why drag the other nine ladies through this kak, with this particular SP?...
I hope you realize that by doing this, you have caused people to doubt the services of the innocent nine ladies on that particular top ten that you refer to.

So honest...and stop this cloak and dagger crap!
Since you cannot prove anything...why start this thread?

BTW...YOU, were also the one calling for a "name and shame" on another thread!...this one here...

It's simply a case of " practice what you preach"
Potatoejetguy - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 21:31:24

Well Said and well spotted semensquirter.
This gimbol chap needs re-alignment with the new gimbal stabilizer.
Potatoejetguy - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 21:33:37

I say it again, well. Spotted Semensquirter.

Here I copied it from that thread

On 2021-10-23 17:21:36 Gimbol said:
Absolutely name and shame - why is this not an immediate thing.

Now I sit here eating Tinkie sponge cake, I'm Wondering if this gimbol chap is not a cake himself.
semensquirter - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 21:56:42

On 2021-12-02 21:33:37 Potatoejetguy said:
...Now I sit here eating Tinkie sponge cake...

Diabetes bro...daibetes...STOP eating that!
just go and have a meaty one...ahem...from the top ten...LOL
[deleted] - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-12-02 22:00:14

On 2021-12-02 21:12:08 semensquirter said:
On 2021-12-02 15:28:35 Gimbol said: ...The fact that the person calling me gave me the date AND time I saw this person makes me wonder how it could be anyone else but them sharing the info...

So...Gimbol...If "this person" told you the exact date and time...
then surely you should know exactly which lady you visited!
AND you know that SHE is one of the top ten...
So why drag the other nine ladies through this kak, with this particular SP?...
I hope you realize that by doing this, you have caused people to doubt the services of the innocent nine ladies on that particular top ten that you refer to.

So honest...and stop this cloak and dagger crap!
Since you cannot prove anything...why start this thread?

BTW...YOU, were also the one calling for a "name and shame" on another thread!...this one here...

It's simply a case of " practice what you preach"

This is damaging our forum ladies. I totally agree Semensquiter,

Punters, please make sure about your facts before loading shit on the forum. It damages the innocent SP/WG/MG reputation, it ruins the industry for new punters and old to participate, and it scares everyone away.

If you get calls, ignore, block, and proceed with punting phones/ sim cards. NOTHING CAN HAPPEN, if you do not participate in payment towards them and fall for there traps. Not sure, please pm me.

GET A PUNTING PHONE, ESA has mentioned this enough. We dealing with losers that will try any opportunity to ruin you and make money.

Last.... This is open to all... I'm challenging all you bad vibes, informants, scammers on this forum, to get your acts together, stop harassing these ladies, and stop trying to make money out of an industry that supports the needed. Everyone here helps each other. One day your own kid will be here battling because of your selfish behaviour. Grow up and be a real man.

I'm on your trail.....
Charlies Angels
Charlies Angels - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
4 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 23:07:51

Now im lus for a tinkie sponge cake. Thanks potatoejetguy
Charlies Angels
Charlies Angels - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
4 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 23:11:58

Anyways guys. We all know these calls are frok scammers by now so dont let it phase u from seeing the ladies on esa. I havent recieved calls now for over a month cause they couldnt get anything right with. So if u get a call let it just run of ur back like water of a ducks back.

Happy punting guys. And stop stressing about these scammers. No go and have fun with those top ten girls

AnthonyEdwards - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-02 23:18:16
Edited: 2021-12-02 23:18:55

Like it or not scamming is a reality we need to face.
Ok or not, I am sure ESA will be investigating.
Never use your personal phone, get a punter phone.
Do not ever share personal details with people that you don't know.
Officers like these are a dime a dozen in these forums, don't fall for it.
Never use the normal calls on the punting sim, stick to WA
Kooni - Re: It finally happened
Re: It finally happened
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-03 07:07:02

Guys, you suppose to be all adult men, with some brains and a mind of your own. You should by now know there's a reason why a lady makes it to the Top 10, and its definetly not through scamming tacticts.

Trust your own instincts and don't let someone else spoils your fun.


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