Beautiful Busty British Gabby
Beautiful Busty British Gabby - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
21 Jan 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-17 01:02:00
Edited: 2021-11-17 01:39:57

[QUOTE;3294030;Lord Muzz] On 2021-11-16 22:07:29 Jerraz said: I know exactly which SP this is Lol ! She was punting so hard on this pay up front crap... Sorry 2 hear that you got scammed bro..

Please couldn you PM me. I think I know as well. If not who I think, I'd still like to know.

The one I'm thinking of asked me for R100 (never met or even had a call) and then offered me "book 4 get 6". I said cool! I'll take 2 of those..."you didn't say pay, so I'll book 8 hrs for tomorrow and get 12? Hehe"....haven't heard back. Cost me nothing to test the sense of ...

R100 what can one do with 100???
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-17 10:41:26

Through the ESA community I am sure that she can be caught. If the OP approaches ESA, they would do an investigation and most probably ban her from advertising.

What a stupid thing to do to take someone else's money without offering the services paid for.
YourChunkyFunkiness - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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6 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-17 11:05:12

Regardless of how good a WG's reputation is, never pay money upfront for future sessions.

You just might be the unlucky guy she decides to screw over. When you complain about it in the forum, she will have dozens of punters vouching for her.
EvilAngel - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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16 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-11-17 11:12:56

On 2021-11-17 11:05:12 YourChunkyFunkiness said:
Regardless of how good a WG's reputation is, never pay money upfront for future sessions.

You just might be the unlucky guy she decides to screw over. When you complain about it in the forum, she will have dozens of punters vouching for her.

There is ladies that you can trust. It takes time but it can.
I had known one, sometimes I paid infront and visit when I can other times I visit and only paid her on payday. We trusted each other.
But yes they are only a few
there are a lot who will take you for a ride.
DevenM - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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15 Apr 2019
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Posted: 2021-11-17 12:15:14

Thank you to all the punters that have confirmed that I was not the only one fooled by her. To the ladies that confirmed that the SP in question is a regular trouble maker, scammer and will be back with a different name and modus. I appreciate all the information provided and advice given.

Many have made fair points and my take away from this is:
- pay as you go only!
- not all SP's are scammers.
- those who are scammers are great at it, and you will never know its coming.
- Rate and reviews are meaningless... half the time it is part of the scam!
- SP's need to clean up the business for themselves, ESA will not step in. If you know something, say something.
- For this punter ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY! 3 Months of punting budget gone
in one foul sweep. NEVER AGAIN! Sorry to all the hardworking honest SP out there.
ASASH - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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23 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-17 12:52:21

SCAMMING comes in many ways, i have been to SP's that will charge you for the hour, chat through her life for 50 mins then fuck you for that last 10.
Rossia - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
4 Jun 2012
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Posted: 2021-11-17 13:49:21

You guys work very hard for your is best to rather just pay as you go.i personally would refuse a business deal where i get paid up front for sessions for the month as i do travel and specially once we can travel overseas ,travels come in a short notice.and anything can happen on top of it.and to the ladies that scam the our loving punters in this site, you should all feel ashamed of yourselves as now more and more gentlemen will refuse to be there for you when you really need them.the end....
depends69 - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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23 Aug 2012
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Posted: 2021-11-17 14:00:11

On 2021-11-17 13:49:21 Rossia said:

to the ladies that scam the our loving punters in this site, you should all feel ashamed of yourselves as now more and more gentlemen will refuse to be there for you when you really need them.the end....

Sadly all SP's will be painted with the same brush ... the ESA community will become a us and them place because a few selfish SP's.

Philk69 - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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17 Nov 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-18 08:55:05

I normally just browse the site and forum but decided to create an account upon reviewing this thread. the story is different but consider it a warning to punters.

A punting friend told me about what happened to him. He dropped like 5k (about a month ago) to help this WG (food, ads and other kak) and he had agreed that she did not owe him. When he requested a fuck session (which he was going to pay for) she told him to fuck off, without a reason.

He has since removed himself and decided to "quit". He won't disclose who she is as she is still operating and he won't take food off her table (how chivalrous). If tells me who, I will reveal to all as I think its fucking disgusting. I do have a fair idea who she is but no proof (yet).

I have been conned a few times too, school fees if you can afford but it's a kak feeling if money is tight and lets face it these last 2 years have been tough on all. WG seem to forget that we use our hard earned money to pay for their services. One day they are going to fuck with wrong punter.

WGs cannot be trusted, they are master manipulators.

Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
Re: Pre-paid Service - I've been SCAMMED!!
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-18 09:02:08

On 2021-11-18 08:55:05 Philk69 said:
I normally just browse the site and forum but decided to create an account upon reviewing this thread. the story is different but consider it a warning to punters.

A punting friend told me about what happened to him. He dropped like 5k (about a month ago) to help this WG (food, ads and other kak) and he had agreed that she did not owe him. When he requested a fuck session (which he was going to pay for) she told him to fuck off, without a reason.

He has since removed himself and decided to "quit". He won't disclose who she is as she is still operating and he won't take food off her table (how chivalrous). If tells me who, I will reveal to all as I think its fucking disgusting. I do have a fair idea who she is but no proof (yet).

I have been conned a few times too, school fees if you can afford but it's a kak feeling if money is tight and lets face it these last 2 years have been tough on all. WG seem to forget that we use our hard earned money to pay for their services. One day they are going to fuck with wrong punter.

WGs cannot be trusted, they are master manipulators.

Your friend nogaal !
And in your words, "one day they going to fuck with the wrong punter"
Joined yesterday ?
Mmmmmm .....


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