[deleted] - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-10-22 04:47:20

And just yesterday I contacted a lady from the east (JHB).
She was asking R1900 for an hour, no extras.
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-10-22 05:47:12

WTF is going on ?
The populace has been shafted (not the pleasant type) in broad daylight. It could have been construed as rape but because so many people consented, we'll just call it a "klomp pomp".
AnthonyEdwards - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-22 06:12:01
Edited: 2021-10-22 07:11:15

Budgeting is something to consider. I wonder how many ladies actually do the math for the next month and put away their extras as savings?

I too was once in dire straits, my ex boss couldn't give me an increase. Fuel costed me 550 every 3 days just to travel to work.

I went out and bought a scooter for R5k. I know the risks, made sure I spent R2k on decent quality armour and gear. Mind you the taxi's were not the worry, they were actually quite helpful on the roads and always gave me way. The biggest problem was the mommy drivers on their cellphones that didn't look when changing lanes.

The scooter cost me R80 per week in fuel, so if you do the math. What I saved in a years travelling I ended up even able to buy myself another bike.

It just means having to do things smarter.

If a lady works out how many clients she needs to see a month to make a target. Calculates the various scenarios with online content and side hustles. She knows how to market her skills during what time of the month. If she exceeds the target, keep that extra aside for the next rainy month. Rinse and repeat. If she builds up enough reserve, don't go on a spree, yes spoil yourself every now and again, but remember next month could be bad,so don't lose all of it.

It involves a mindset change.

@Donald007 R1900 is a very ambitious price to be paying, unless she has diamond encrusted and vibrating lady parts. My experience with ladies charging that much is the service quality is usually less than the ladies charging R800. Also the service is very mechanical and all about the money and not the experience.

Price is not just a deciding factor. If I visit a lady and she charges R800. If her service is out of this world. I am not shy to tip handsomely, because she deserves it for the effort she put in. Whereas if I have to visit a lady and she charges R1000 offering the exact same service as the R800 lady. The tip would be much less as they both would be paid an equal fair amount.

If a lady goes all out of her way and charges R500. Her service levels are really top notch and equal or better than the R1000 lady. I don't see no reason to tip her R500 or more extra as I would have paid that with the high end lady and still have to pay for extras.

Where I do save money as a punter is with ladies that are a no show or they double booked me with "another booking they can't miss"

Hope this helps
Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 07:28:07

On 2021-10-22 04:47:20 Donald007 said:
And just yesterday I contacted a lady from the east (JHB).
She was asking R1900 for an hour, no extras.

That's a bit extreme
I mean for R1800 you get 2 hours with me plus extras at no additional cost
3 extras at least
Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 07:32:17

Thank you for the overwhelming support. Wow I woke up earlier and 3 more gent's have blessed me. Thank you so much for your support it's appreciated
I'm extremely grateful...
A few of you said it's not necessary to send you the content,but I'm a woman of my word...

Thank you for every little bit,it takes a load off my shoulders..

Be blessed always and in abundance.....
[deleted] - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-10-22 08:08:26

Seriously not to cause a fight and I KNOW WOMAN can charge what they like but here is my observation

Times are tough: everyone is looking for a proper special. Sometimes what ladies offer are not real specials.

Competition. I love my ladies like my coffee: white, strong and full bodied. Then i went and experimented and this is what I found. I know this is a massive generalisation but just my experience: sexy black and asian girls can charge up to R70O less than a what a white girl charges. I do believe the nirm guys are shopping around. Example: blqck WG fantastic body offer FH and greek for R850.

As with all businesses we have re evaluate how we do business, what is our offerjng/value add and what differiates us. WG will have to start asking the same questions. Being sexy and offering FH is not going to cut it any longer. Especially if you charge a premium.
ilovemywoozle - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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26 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-10-22 08:17:55

With a decline in disposable income and some SP's increasing their prices (in this market!)*** punter activity has dropped.
I've seen some very creative marketing, which has helped some girls, but the general opinion is that business has slowed.

*** some prices have gone from R1200 to R1500, maybe the idea is see less clients and make the same money??
The R2000's are sticking to their price.

@Brucewaybe You're spot on. There is a lot of talent still available R1000 (CT prices) and below.
therodent - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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29 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2021-10-22 09:12:49

So true. I went from punting once a week to about once every 3 months. Now I am even considering just hanging up my punting boots for now. Not worth the energy finding a WG that is within my budget anymore. Way to much work goes into finding a budget punt.

On 2021-10-21 15:28:59 BOOBS53 said:

I will tell you

The average punter simply don't have the disposable income anymore as in the past, that's the bottom line !!!

A punt or two weekly in the past, became a punt or two in a month, if you are still lucky !!!

The worst are sadly still to come. What is the solution then .. I haven't got a flippen clue :((((

balasbak - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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21 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 09:15:53

On 2021-10-22 05:47:12 Johnny English said:
WTF is going on ?
The populace has been shafted (not the pleasant type) in broad daylight. It could have been construed as rape but because so many people consented, we'll just call it a "klomp pomp".

LMAO ... "Klomp Pomp" ... hahaha!
LongJohn75 - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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17 Aug 2021
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Posted: 2021-10-22 09:20:05

Times are tough - Covid and the way lockdowns were handled broke our already fragile economy.
Not to mention all the other challenges we endure in S.A.

Sadly I think things will get worst, every bit of infrastructure is collapsing, failing or been stripped.

Right now globally and locally there is an ongoing cargo issue that makes no to little sense, rolling blackouts in China and Europe warned about gas shortages.

Ships at sea, turned away, not allowed to dock.

Two days ago it was reported that Beitbridge has a queue of trucks over 30km long,very little to no movement, drivers hungry ,no ablutions for them to use.
Looting,violence and police been attacked.

Transnet announced they closing Richards Bay bulk dry dock due to a fire on Wednesday.

All this points to increased pricing and shortages in future!


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