On 2019-08-29 18:55:38 mav said:
When i get stuck behind an asshole talking on his phone while driving....and i cant pass. Even worse when they actually text as well, and swerve all over the f@kn place, at 40km/h. Road rage is justified sometimes.
On 2019-08-29 21:19:15 Ericsie said:
People throwing cigarette buds out of their car window absolutely pisses me off!
On 2019-08-29 18:21:50 Minime V10.1 said:
On 2019-08-29 07:30:23 blowmeplease said: people taking mounds of hand luggage on the plane. Frustrates the shit out of me :)
I know how you feel. Totally fuckt up. And people trying to chat with me on a plane. I don't know you...don't want to chat with you. Leave me the fuck alone.
On 2019-08-29 22:38:28 JelebiVreeter said:
Mosquitoes. Fuckin little bastards fucking me up this past week, lol!