On 2017-09-01 19:59:51 Veronica Franco said:
100% Arwhen! I used to be that way inclined when I first started posting years ago, but I have learnt all that you mentioned above from various ladies and clients I have met and conversed with over the years and realized that I was being very unfair to anyone that I may have ostracise given that I was no English major myself and these days, lots of black ladies and even Afrikaans ladies try their best to convey their thoughts regardless of the language barrier. As you say, I take my hat off to them too for putting themselves out their despite English not being their first language! Miss B is one of them and even she is trying to now learn Afrikaans, lol. It's a bit of a joke between us really, but she is learning!
On 2017-09-01 20:00:51 markymarky said:
Indeed English is a strange language or maybe it is just that the English are very strange people. If you are in England and you knock on someone's door at 6.30 in the morning they may tell you "He is not up yet" or they may tell you "He is not down yet" and the two statements mean exactly the same!
Then the spelling
How do pronounce the word "ghoti"
Answer -- fish. gh as in cough, o as in women, and ti as in motion.
On 2017-09-01 20:05:11 Veronica Franco said:
English is a very difficult language to master, even for English speaking people. If one can get a message across clear enough for others to understand, I would say that is a successful attempt at communication, the sole purpose of language if you ask me!