On 2017-08-04 11:27:10 gary_g said:
Everything you say here is based on believing LoveMonkey199. You want to believe him (her)? Be my guest. I think any person who reads his(her) posts will come to a different conclusion.
I have never attacked DIRECTORSSS' credibility. I asked him why he took attacks on you personally, just like why he asked me why I took Shakira's banning personally. We answered each other civilly, and exchanged some thoughts privately. I happen to like him, from what I know of him from his postings and our communication. Please leave him out of this. It has no relationship with LoveMonkey199's credibility.
Whatever happened at Pharaohs is between you and Shakira. I don't really see it as relevant.
I am extremely uneasy with you cozying up to Sharon's defender. But if you're comfortable, fine. I just know, reading his(her) posts trying to rehabilitate Sharon, I think defending a scammer is nauseating.
On 2017-08-04 12:18:04 gary_g said:
@Veronica, so you have no idea what the problem between you was. I thought you got drunk later? Never mind...the dispute arose outside of Mini's frame of reference, but he is a witness to the result. Okay...