BikerBrian - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
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Posted: 2022-02-03 08:16:17

On 2022-02-02 17:22:07 Sabrina @ Sensual Spa said:

Okay, got it. So if you see me in public, wearing a short dress, you'd assume it's okay to touch me? Because I'm advertising (according to you). I've punched someone for doing that, just saying.

@Sabrina - good on you. what a lady wears in public is not justification for improper conduct, you should have kneed them in the nutsack.

What has been alluded to in this thread is that there has been unofficial code in the past, like if a lady features her derriere prominently in photo-shoots she would be open to entertaining anal even if she makes statements to the contrary on her profile.

This, I think, is what the other members are referencing - that pictures of bare penetration may be interpreted in the same manner, irrespective of their "innocence".

Have a lovely Thor's Day - may you be showered with positive attention, appreciation, and above all, many satisfying orgasms
Sabrina @ Sensual Spa
Sabrina @ Sensual Spa - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
9 May 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-03 15:44:57

On 2022-02-03 07:53:26 Kooni said:
On 2022-02-02 17:22:07 Sabrina @ Sensual Spa said: On 2022-02-02 14:00:39 Kooni said: On 2022-02-02 13:36:27 Kaycee (the Original Milf) said: On 2022-02-02 13:19:04 Sabrina @ Sensual Spa said: On 2022-02-02 13:08:20 Kooni said: On 2022-02-02 12:22:50 Blade WM said: To write a review like that is one thing.. but putting it out there on the girl's profile is another. I really feel sorry for her. This is so wrong on many levels

I do agree with you, putting it in a review is uncalled for, but some girls publishing "raw" pg pics, that is even worse. A review she can try and argu as not true, but a pic speaks a thousand words.

What is wrong with raw pg pics? It's like blaming a woman that was raped because she was wearing a mini skirt. Please grow up

Raw pg pics aren't necessarily with a punter
I know a number of ladies who take pics of raw with a boyfriend
Or husband

Perception is reality, as a punter I don't know, and are not interested in your personal relationships, therefore if you publish such PG pics, I take it that you entertain "raw".

To stop any confusion don't publish such pics, no matter who it is.

Okay, got it. So if you see me in public, wearing a short dress, you'd assume it's okay to touch me? Because I'm advertising (according to you). I've punched someone for doing that, just saying.

Wearing a short dress, is and was never an advert for being touched. So why would I do that.

A photo of a lady showing herself having unprotected sex, is very different. You can't say she does not do "raw", as the proof is there. Very difficult to argue against facts.

It's not factual. Are you really that ignorant? People like you deserve the worst.
Sabrina @ Sensual Spa
Sabrina @ Sensual Spa - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
9 May 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-03 15:47:26

On 2022-02-03 08:16:17 BikerBrian said:
On 2022-02-02 17:22:07 Sabrina @ Sensual Spa said:
Okay, got it. So if you see me in public, wearing a short dress, you'd assume it's okay to touch me? Because I'm advertising (according to you). I've punched someone for doing that, just saying.

@Sabrina - good on you. what a lady wears in public is not justification for improper conduct, you should have kneed them in the nutsack.

What has been alluded to in this thread is that there has been unofficial code in the past, like if a lady features her derriere prominently in photo-shoots she would be open to entertaining anal even if she makes statements to the contrary on her profile.

This, I think, is what the other members are referencing - that pictures of bare penetration may be interpreted in the same manner, irrespective of their "innocence".

Have a lovely Thor's Day - may you be showered with positive attention, appreciation, and above all, many satisfying orgasms

Thank you x

I'm really glad to know there are still real men out there that have brains as well as manners. They're just pictures at the end of the day.
Kooni - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-03 19:17:58
Edited: 2022-02-03 19:21:52


Raw is a slang term that is defined as unprotected sex even if it is with your partner, it stays "raw"

Please bring the facts to proof me wrong. And if you can't an apolgy for wishing the worst onto me would be in order.

Doubt if I will get the apology, forgot it is part of you to get really nasty to others when things are not going your way.

May I never be so desperate to consider visiting you.

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-03 21:37:41
Edited: 2022-02-03 21:38:51

.. has been alluded to in this thread is that there has been unofficial code in the past, like if a lady features her derriere prominently in photo-shoots she would be open to entertaining anal even if she makes statements to the contrary on her profile.


This, I think, is what the other members are referencing - that pictures of bare penetration may be interpreted in the same manner, irrespective of their "innocence"....

Although pictures of bums or raw sex or bareblows are posted, someones interpretation of the message being sent might be way off, so rather just stick to asking what the message is being sent with that pictures and not assuming what you think the message is, is the right interpretation.

Even cars/houses/almost everything get advertised Rx amount for sale.

Until you read the T's and C's(the fine print) you will remain under that impression and only realise what a fool you been to fall for the advertising stradegies of the seller.

Be that all as it may, the topic is not about what ladies post in their galleries or photos on profile or what they wear, but behaviour and what people seem to think is okay to write on reviews and even worse that it is okay to say you have done something that a lady was uncomfortable with and even sound proud about the fact.. the general disrespect that runs through all this is disgusting tnsay the least.

Cookie_muncher - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
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31 Jan 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-03 21:58:09

1: I can bet money that this girls phone is ringing off the hook coz there's loads of guys who ask for BB

2: you guys,especially SP's need to get off your high horse. No one knows what you do behind closed doors and what "extras" you offer. I wish I could expose some of you,but iv learnt to live and let live.

3: without the SP side of the story,who are we to judge? Get over it. People in this industry fuck raw every single day.

One day,before I retire from here,I'll expose all the girls that offered me BB as an extra. You'd be surprised at what the loud mouths of ESA will do for a few extra Rands.
[deleted] - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-03 22:09:31

On 2022-02-02 13:20:51 Saffron Skye said:
Coersion into doing something you dont want to WHICH SHE OBVIOUSLY CLEARLY SHOWED SHE's NOT COMFORTABLE DOING is RAPE>

I agree, that's my reading of the situation. Maybe I'm dumb but if an SP agrees to sex with me for money with a condom on and I then go bareback well I've broken the rules that she consented to. So that's rape. It's non consensual sex.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: WTF Review
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17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-03 23:17:38

On 2022-02-03 21:58:09 Cookie_muncher said:
1: I can bet money that this girls phone is ringing off the hook coz there's loads of guys who ask for BB

2: you guys,especially SP's need to get off your high horse. No one knows what you do behind closed doors and what "extras" you offer. I wish I could expose some of you,but iv learnt to live and let live.

3: without the SP side of the story,who are we to judge? Get over it. People in this industry fuck raw every single day.

One day,before I retire from here,I'll expose all the girls that offered me BB as an extra. You'd be surprised at what the loud mouths of ESA will do for a few extra Rands.

You are probably 100% right that her phone must be ringing of the hook, which she will be happy about if she does offer the service he now says he got.

If she don't offer it though her phone will be inundated with those request causing her to miss out on other calls. And possibly also loosing existing clients as a result.

You are probably also very right about the fact that bareback aka raw is a lot more prevelant than people think. If it was not the topic it would not come up as often as it does I think. I would have been one of those topics remaining in spoken.

And I do believe you when you say there are many that offer it as extra, and that is fully within their right as individuals. As it is fully in your rights to accept or decline.

I get why no guy will say he got it offered as an extra as some ladies will immediately curse him out as a liar to protect their reputations.

And I also get why those ladies that do offer it won't advertise it openly. As people will condemn them for doing it.

None of this should be a issue...not whether someone offers it or not. Not whether someone asks for it or not.
Everyone is entitled to live their lives as they please.

The fact that it was written so crudely and with admission that it was something the lady did not want.,"she was uncomfortable" To me that sounds like "borderline" rape. Sounds to me like a girl that was to scared to push a punter off or to flat out refuse and send him packing. Do you realise how intimidating some men can be?

What I wrote above is my personal perseption and interpretation of what I read... I may be all wrong and it might be that it was consentual on her part for extra and him realizing she did not actually like it made him stop, who knows.

And you are of ourse right none of us will know unless the lady herself comes and say something.

But I will stand by my very first comment.. and say I still don't get why people think it is okay to write whatever they want without consideration of the other person and how that might impact them.

Writing things will create expections that ladies might not be able to fulfill. Why things have to get so very explicit also don't understand, why does everyone have to go into so much detail.

I once asked a punter to amend his review..

Although the whole review was lovely and very respectful the mention of a sloppy bj was not something I wanted to be on my page, as I do not offer owo as a standard service and I did not want that expectation to be created through the review. I did not want to have to explain why one person got a owo and someone else might not if they expected that.

I still don't offer owo as a standard service but have since learned that it being mentioned sit the end of the world, I can still make the fact that it ain't a standard service clear, upon inquieries.

Today I smile at my panic when reading that review thinking now every single guy is gonna expect that sloppy bj as a standard service when they see it... That little comment was nothing compared to some of the things I read on reviews!

Bella Pink
Bella Pink - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
20 May 2020
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Posted: 2022-02-04 09:00:59

On 2022-02-02 13:20:51 Saffron Skye said:
Coersion into doing something you dont want to WHICH SHE OBVIOUSLY CLEARLY SHOWED SHE's NOT COMFORTABLE DOING is RAPE>

I don't think that her being uncomfortable makes it rape... She could have agreed bcoz he offered her more money, but she was still uncomfortable... To me rape means a girl says no or does not want to do it and the guy forces himself on her.

Not defending the guy... I'm just saying...

And also, just bcoz he did it with 1 lady it doesn't mean that every lady he goes to allows him to do that, thinking that is just plain ignorant.

As for me I don't condone bb, I don't want any1's juices inside me, I will rather save that for marriage.
Bullfinkle - Re: WTF Review
Re: WTF Review
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14 Oct 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-04 09:15:45

@Bella being pressured or coerced into doing something you're not comfortable can still fall within the bounds of rape. Not all rape includes forcing yourself on someone else. I don't know what happened in that room but just pointing this out.

As for your second point he may not have done it with every lady but most punters will now think twice about each lady he reviews.


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